AAG: ‘What we’re seeing is – a decline in perfectly healthy people being labelled “covid cases” based on a false positive from an unreliable testing process.’

Coronavirus Fact-Check #10: Why “new cases” are plummeting.

Anonymous @AAG 28 February 2021 at 03:26
Israelis now getting fake ‘vaccines’? Which are ‘performing miracles’?

After so many Israelis wound up sick and dead from the first round of vaccinations

The second round has been ‘miraculous’ – covid eradicated, and almost no side effects

It is said because the new ‘vaccines’ are ‘placebos’, i.e., empty blanks of nothing, and the testing parametres have been adjusted

“All of these ‘miraculous’ results coming out of Israel can be explained very simply – Israelis are receiving placebo vaccines, and they have changed the PCR standards to make it falsely appear that the vaccines are working – just as we predicted they would do over 6 months ago.”

More Evidence Israelis Are Using Placebo COVID Vaccines — And Changed PCR Test To Prove Vaccines Are Working?

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