TAP: Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences

25 February 2021

Imperial Folly: Neil Ferguson Has No Qualification in Biological Sciences

Alan Vaughn says:
This is certainly disturbing given that he still carries lots of weight and influences a lot of decisions made in favour of the destructive policies they’re still foisting upon us right now.

In a normal, pre-March 2020 world, he and his cronies would be in a lot of trouble and life for us would still be what we once took for granted, when freedom and basic human rights were a given, which we never gave, nor did we ever need to: give a second’s thought to.

But this is the ‘new normal’: the nightmarish totalitarian governed NWO, where even the sacred judiciary are on board and have sided with humanity loathing unelected, murderous tyrants and their despicable agenda and are allowing them to destroy people’s lives and livelihoods with total impunity.

Their agenda of anti-humanity institutionalized hatred is made all the more intense and unstoppable, thanks to the huge army of our fellow citizens who have turned into hopeless collaborating and obedient masked zombies, all proudly enabling the total destruction of our society and way of life, including their own!

There is only ONE solution to end it all, but only about 10% of us are aware of it and even fewer are interested in applying it:
Mass civil disobedience by ALL citizens worldwide, with total NON-COMPLIANCE to ALL dehumanizing Mandates and diktats.

IOW: forget it, we’re doomed to a life of servitude to murderous tyrants who hate us and want a utopian ‘New World’ where most of us won’t even exist.

GW: Nor has he got formal training in computer Modelling & his modelling code had to be re-worked for several months by Microsoft Engineers before it could be publicly released for scrutiny!

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