
Sergeant Majors Truther Info – Published on 26 Feb 2021

The one-time Globalist DEMONrat hero of the PLANdemic/SCAMdemic, Tony Fauci, is losing the trust of the Unconscious Libtards in America after flip flopping on critical #Covid19 information one too many times. His latest admission is the final straw for many. The Unconscious Sheeple are starting to Wake Up to the fact that Covid-19 is not a real virus, and the mRNA Experimental Vaccine is not a real vaccine. The entire PLANdemic/SCAMdemic has been a ruse to help usher in the New World Order agenda and New Abnormal controls with an Economic Reset. The Libtards are really going to be made if they ever Wake Up to the fact the mRNA Jab was never a vaccination to prevent a virus in the first place.

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