Churches, pubs and schools could be told to make counter-terror plans so they are prepared for any attack

ConcernedEnglander, Bispham, United Kingdom,
Without mass immigration we wouldn’t need this. Sorry, my mistake. Dive rsity is our strength….

focus1, Cambridge, United Kingdom,
And they carry on letting thousands of young males in a year, whose intentions we know nothing about. This government is beyond deplorable

thefirethatburns, Southampton,
What has she done now !!

GW: NOTHING as usual.  More foreign crims than ever before remain in the UK.
26 February 2021: Record low number of foreign crooks are being kicked out of UK after deportations slumped by 34% last year, figures reveal

Michael Stewart 70, North London, United Kingdom, 
So a lunatic with a bomb in his sports bag walks into a pub and detonates a bomb there ain’t much you can do for f… sake.

Shonie, Cheshire, United Kingdom, 
Our bars and entertainment venues should not need to. It’s a simple as that. This is all because consecutive governments have failed in their duty to keep us safe. Perhaps it is time government ministers were sued.

sponduli, chester, United Kingdom,
Living in the country that leaves the doors open to anybody and everybody this is hardly surprising.

Cryptos-the-hermetic, Erehwon, United Kingdom, 
All businesses to have ready supply of fire extinguishers and narwhal tusks.

Witcher1979, US, United Kingdom,
Attack a pub, on your head be it.

northumbian, gethrin, United Kingdom,
we must tackle home grown extremism and ban all faith schools religion has no place in any childs education.

DrearyBritain, Anywhere,
If the whole country was religious, how much crime would their be?

Jo Commediene, Barrow-in-Furness , United Kingdom, 
Walls of doors like the acropolis, containment shutters, and plenty of outside space

E.S.C.L, Bristol, United Kingdom,
With the English Channel wide open for anybody to cross bringing anything they like its just a matter of time before a serious incident occurs.

ken, liverpool, 
As the Border Force taxi service bring in more illegals daily.

Oliver 22, Toytown, Isle Of Man, 
Don’t dare disturb the lads out drinking or else

sunshine, Southend, United Kingdom, 
What about the lasses out drinking?

Vambo, Glasgow, United Kingdom,
In the likelihood of a bomb going off during the sermon, then kindly exit the building and regroup outside near the front gates for a roll call. Yep! That’ll work……..not!

sunny uplands, sunnyville, Swaziland,
how about just kicking out the 3000 potential cheeehadis roaming the streets, that would be a start

cleverbeggar, Blackpool, United Kingdom,
Put a photo of Priti in the doorway, it will be enough to frighten anybody away!

SIM_0219, Near You, United Kingdom, 
More ‘proposals’ its all this woman seems to do, but never actually does anything.

Clint Hunt, Decaying London, United Kingdom,
She could do worse than watch 1960s film ”The Battle of Algiers” if she wants ideas.

SirLord Admiral Kong, Barford, United Kingdom,
This article is almost as repetetive as the NEWZIT ads all over the page.

Awtmax, Colchester,
The problem here lies in the past. The political decisions that allowed large numbers of individuals clearly not suited to life in the UK to enter and settle, has resulted in acts of terror and they will continue until the government gets tough. Some hope

rachella, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
Why is it that when a whyte man did Dunblane laws changed instantly, but when others terrorise the UK it’s allowed to happen again and again?

joylessuk, Imaginary Sunlit Uplands, United Kingdom,
Priti useless strikes again.

Millief, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, 
Meanwhile I wonder how many unknown ILLEGALS the authorities will ferry into the country today and be treated better than us!!! Politicians past and present are responsible for this!!!

Sandford, Potterne.,
How about closing the borders to cultures of threat, and kicking out all current/potential threats. I guess that would make too much sense though.

Mr M, Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Well you keep letting them in down there in the channel. What do you expect?

Fightforfreedoms, NotImportant, United Kingdom, 
Pritti Patel proving to be pretty useless yet again. Why not start with the illegal daily dingy parade that are mainly always filled with young fighting age men? The terror threat situation in this country has never been properly addressed, and now the government thinks the responsibility should be put on our venues for our safety? What a joke!

GW: Yes it’s a GOVERNMENT RESPONSIBILITY – Projecting it all onto us again!  Why are they ever drawing a salary if we are doing [[[their]]] job for [[[them]]]?  Time for a complete CHANGE.  Vote Independent in May 2021.

The-Vindicator, Malmesbury, United Kingdom, 
Even my friends who have only been in the UK for 35 years are getting concerned.

tellitlikeitisgb, Leedshereforlife, United Kingdom, 
I’m concerned for my granddaughter, as are many others.

The-Vindicator, Malmesbury, United Kingdom, 
We already have an emergency procedure for when boring Barry comes in. We all pretend we are talking to somebody else.

Mandelbrat, Southport, United Kingdom, 
Here is a better idea, it’s a single group with and extreme form of religious zealotry that comes from Saudi Arabia. We should therefore copy Saudi’s book and ban its religious buildings and books. You can’t show the intolerant, tolerance they need to be exercised from society and religious terrorism should carry a mandatory capital sentence.

SirLord Admiral Kong, Barford, United Kingdom,
Yes! Get them jogging, performing press ups, issue a free fit bit and Peletron. EXERCISE them all out!

GW: You bet.  None I see are the least bit fit & they seem to positively hate fresh air & sunshine.  I don’t think any of the women could even raise a trot!

Familylady, Kent, United Kingdom, 
Judges must share the blame as they insist it’s against their rights to be returned where THEY can be harmed, we don’t matter

GW: Exactly. We pay ALL the bills but we still DON’T matter to these political cretins.

Pattie and Chips, Land of Green Ginger, United Kingdom, 
On the 8th February 2021 the terror alert was reduced as reported in the DM.

Sam, Leeds, United Kingdom, 
Priti and her friends are now running as fast as they can to bolt those stable doors, but alas, the horses are galloping all over the country.

Familylady, Kent, United Kingdom,
I thought they were still looking for the stable

Sam, Leeds, United Kingdom,
Priti, if you had vetted who came in and had kicked out those who ought not to be in and prevented them from returning, then we wouldn’t be in this state. If you can’t do the job, please let someone else do it.

pinkstrat, Cardiff, United Kingdom,
FFS woman, do your damn job instead of spouting hot air.

Leekjohn, Leek, United Kingdom,
While this useless woman is bothering chapels and community centres the people she is worried about are in their dinghies heading for Dover. Coming to a four star hotel near you.

Familylady, Kent, United Kingdom, 
Already near me, theft crime has increased no end

Disillusioned me, Somewhere in the stratosphere, United Kingdom,
It just goes to prove the government have no idea who is in this country. I’m afraid to say it’s a ticking time bomb …

Fightforfreedoms, NotImportant, United Kingdom, 
Yes, all they are doing is waiting in the wings to step forward with their take over plan. They are already half way there with no gambling, no music, no singing, no dancing, no pubs, no hospitality and covering our faces.

Hancockisadweeb, Chester, Tuvalu,
What? It’s the Gov duty to stop these Mzlms coming in to the country

Dannybruff, Liverpool ish, United Kingdom,
How about do your job get rid of them so they don’t need to??

stopeatinganimals, CORBY, United Kingdom,
Just a matter of time before we have another Dunblane. Walk past any school and you will see how easy it is. Not acceptable.

This is a labour problem. Labour starting a war in the Middle East and labour letting them all in. The method in the madness of bLiar being dubya’s poodle was to import voters.

Izapa, Bristol, United Kingdom, 
Borders are the first line of defence. Ours have been breached a long time ago, and continue to be.

Keefree, Aylesbury, United Kingdom,
So much for cutting red tape, eh Johnson! Of course we could stop them getting in to the country eh Patel?

100 years ago the Navy would have scuttled the dinghies and we would have heard nothing about it.

Lord Devonshire, Torquay, United Kingdom,
I wonder who on earth would attack a church…

Barneby Wild, Spaghetti Junction , United Kingdom, 
Why? because you’ve allowed thousands of j!#@dis to cross the channel and into our country?

Andrew Mizon, Kingston Upon Hull, United Kingdom, 
Remember the advice about a Nuclear Attack, hide under your desks !

brendasev, Menai Bridge, United Kingdom,
The best way to stop anything like that happening is to stop interfering in other countries, & stop the non-stop influx of these people walking into the UK, without any proper background checks, time for a big overhaul of who comes into the UK,

Biased moderators, Not much gets published, United Kingdom,
Schools for years have had lockdown procedures and practices and also a Prevent program so what does she want now? Mini M16 spies in every classroom?

Ronny042, Camarthen, United Kingdom, 
How about simply being more careful about who we let in the country whilst getting rid of those that wish us harm.

FenTiger, Borsod Abaúj Zemplén, Hungary,
Hungary has got it right. Learn from them.

Cryptos-the-hermetic, Erehwon, United Kingdom, 
Too many of them already here.

Drpimplepopper, Pusvill, United Kingdom, 
We have been badly let down by the leaders of our country they have allowed it to happen, the blame of any act of terrorism lands at their feet..

GW: Send a strong message 6 May 2021 – Vote Independent!

mally, Fir Tree City, Christmas Island,
Leaders? Hah!

GW: Donkeys!

mally, Fir Tree City, Christmas Island, 
Judiciary? Is that what they call it???

Yallourne, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, 
Scaremongering yet again another case of Priti big mouth Patel wanting to be heard lots of noise and zero achievements its unbelievable that she still in the job.

Unbee-ukin-leebable, Here-there and everywhere, United Kingdom,
Try securing the borders and Eastern coastline, or is that already too late?

Implacable, South Wales, United Kingdom,
Why does a church need a ‘terror plan’ when it has the awesome power of prayer to rely on?

Wallys, Sunderland, United Kingdom,
@Hancockiswadweeb Very true Priti Patel has no intention of stopping these people coming to the UK, and trying to change our culture and history

Mavis Cruet, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Let’s be honest – if it happens you’ve got two options: try and escape as quick as you can or play dead and hope for the best. ‘Plans’ and ‘hiding’ won’t work.

The-Vindicator, Malmesbury, United Kingdom,
Or get another round in.

doc spoons, Anytown, France, 
Blair is the one to blame

Elal, Dorset, United Kingdom,
Where on earth is our country going to? Before we let all and sundry into our country we had no need for these draconian measures. To hell in a handcart doesn’t quite cover it…

The-Vindicator, Malmesbury, United Kingdom,
Draco was a very wise man who introduced formal, written laws, rather than mob law. He has had very bad press from the ill-informed.. .

Elal, Dorset, United Kingdom, 
Draconian, metaphorically speaking, was exactly what I meant to say. Thanks for the irrelevant information anyway.

Darnald T, hounslow, United Kingdom,
Expect more avenues created by this government to collect fines. One of the ways to claw back free money distributed during this chi nese pandemic.

Tomsmum, Exeter, United Kingdom,
Getting ready for when furlough becomes universal credit and full lockdown begins again in September and most people decide they have had enough.

leighvaughton, bristol, United Kingdom,
She really is one of the silliest home secs ever.

Atrociter, Ipswich, United Kingdom, 
The ‘Anti terror’ circus still trying to make themselves relevant…the only thing terrifying about it is their annual budget, their previous incompetence and the fact they think trawling the internet for teenagers who write hurty words is actually battling extremism’!!

Fastlane, Brighton , United Kingdom,
More bureaucracy for small businesses, who are struggling to survive in the present climate. Who could dream up such a nonsensical requirement at this time?…….. Of course, Patel, trying to remain relevant but failing again.

Tomsmum, Exeter, United Kingdom, 
Getting the country ready for the end of furlough as it becomes universal credit and the natives get restless…..

ShandyDrinker, Swindon,
Do they know something we don’t? Are attacks imminent once the pandemic is over?

Fightforfreedoms, NotImportant, United Kingdom,
That’s exactly what I think. They know something we don’t know, or rather, think we don’t know. There is another agenda just waiting in the wings to step forward at the right time for them. All the ground work has been prepared for them by our evil government, who now are trying to put the blame onto businesses for when it happens, not IF it happens. Read between the lines, pretty useless is telling us what’s coming.

adriankl, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 
Is this what the country has come to? That we have to protect ourselves against attack from those who hate us on the basis of religion?

Richym99, Newport, United Kingdom,
The hospitality industry, was forced to waste thousands on modifying their premises to stay open last year, then cynically wiped out. Now, just before they are allowed to reopen, they will be forced to spend even more to prepare for an almost non existent threat. Total stupidity.

omitbdf, Werrington, United Kingdom,
Churches????? You must be kidding.

Saad H., Away from home, United Kingdom, 
why? is gov planning another attack?

avgwhiteguy001, Alabama, United States, 
Is the probability of an attack high?

My Pointless Views, Portsmouth, United Kingdom, 
Alternatively, the Government could remove the 35,000 people currently on the UK Terror Watchlist on National Security grounds and thereby cut the overall risk in one stroke !

MG Worcester., Worcester, United Kingdom,
Yet still,potentially we let these killers in virtually every day. Total madness.

Hi-Yo Silver, Maximus Brexitus, United Kingdom, 
Would that include attacks on them by this Government that has destroyed the pub industry and destroyed the education of children ?

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