WGAP: Hancock & Gove Called Out By Tory MP After Hiding From Questions Over Lockdown Data & Decisions.

WE GOT A PROBLEM – 24 February 2021

@Quercus Robur The UK Corporation has been dissolved which makes the Government void. It looks to me like they are there illegally.

Shane Rosser
How About Holding All Main Political Parties To Account
The Mainstream Media Hold To Account
SAGE Hold To Account
Nervtag Hold To Account
Owen Racist Right Wing Extremist Hold To Account
The Guardian Press Hold To Account
Piers Morgan Hold To Account
Jeremy Vine Hold To Account
And I Am A Left Wing Extremist
Marie Walker
We the British people need to hold this government to account

Ged Woods
Time to roost the homed chickens

nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice
Because of the utter lies of utter bollocks spoken by Matt da Cock & Mick da Grovel…

Alan Dyson
Expecting the system to hold them accountable is pure fantasy. the only way justice will be done is if we the people drag them out of parliament and hang them

Quercus Robur
Good luck with that. Removing the ”British” Parliament will have to happen first.

Ged Woods
@Quercus Robur you mean the Tory parliament. They are the enemy of the British

robert alford
That would be a great first step, Marie. Not being flippant, but how? Look at all the promising ‘opportunities’ offered by USA over Clintons, Mr & Mr Obama and such. What’s happened? Nothing.

Quercus Robur
@Ged Woods no, I mean the entire British Parliament.

Ged Woods
@Quercus Robur but they hate the British. That’s why they kneel to blm; fill our country with illegals; and hate our freedom and values. They are tories not British. They are against everything we stand for. They even prioritise a deal with the eu over our brexit

Ged Woods
@robert alford trump is better than all them. Even better than our government

Quercus Robur
@Ged Woods I’m English, not British. I’d rather see a English parliament so our constitution can set the standards for parliament etc etc. The liblabcon are one party, and against England too.
21 hours ago15

Ged Woods
It’s because there are enemies of our people who have invaded our places of power

Ged Woods
@Quercus Robur World War Two would never have happened if Hitler was in number ten would it. That’s all we have here. Can thank the Tory voters for this one.

John Timbrell
@Happy Jo “If the committee had some balls…” Come on; the maker of this video has no balls. When has he told you about the Jalloh case???? You know the one where the Supreme court stated that ordering someone to stay in their home is unlawful imprisonment. All the lockdown laws are against our common law. Wake up folks. Instead of wasting time by watching videos like these research and use our real law. The common law. Your silence and subservience is killing me.

John Timbrell
@Alan Dyson”If the committee had some balls…” Come on; the maker of this video has no balls. When has he told you about the Jalloh case???? You know the one where the Supreme court stated that ordering someone to stay in their home is unlawful imprisonment. All the lockdown laws are against our common law. Wake up folks. Instead of wasting time by watching videos like these research and use our real law. The common law. Your silence and subservience is killing me.

Quercus Robur
@Ged Woods the ”British” ideology is socialist. Doesn’t matter what party, as they’re all part of the same club and this club is threatened by our English constitution.

Alan Dyson
@Ged Woods not just the Tory party our entire political system is riddled with traitors

Ged Woods
@John Timbrell one thing I do know is blm was allowed to protest during a pandemic while the rest of us had our right to protest removed because of the pandemic and it was the rest of us that really protested peacefully. Of cause [[[they]]] are against us. Why are [[[they]]] in power. I say vote [[[them]]] out make them citizens again then drag [[[them]]] to justice. Take [[[their]]] wealth and give it back to the people [[[they]]] snatched it from then jail the lot of them. Then hold a public inquiry into the actions of the police. And replace as we go. Jail them too.

We are not ”British” we are English, Scottish and Welsh

Ged Woods
Oh why didn’t guy folks just light the fuse

Alan Dyson
@James agreed but we are currently part of a union which has lasted longer than any other Union in history it is not a perfect Union but when we take the treasonous government out we can make it work for all

jack thomas
How…….at the ballot box, Stiff emails Internet comments. Good luck with it.

Clive Clapham
@Alan Dyson got rope and repatriate their assets to the people

Clive Clapham
@John Timbrell YEUP Spider lady Hales last FEBRUARY sited it often.

First Knight
Oooh can I be the prosecution?

ian healy
@robert alford look around the answer is staring you in the face

wayne Kerr
20th March!! Global March for freedom Time to rise against the globalisation of the world

Terry Judgement
@Quercus Robur Same here. England needs its own Parliament.

Tacitus Today
Why are straight white males so disliked today? From a concerned content creator.

Phill Taylor
Yes we British people’s DO? But no one will STAND up for British people’s interest? Is there Nigel Farage who’s limited to HOW much HE knows WHERE POLITICS GOES you can’t keep living OFF BRITX ALL THE TIME to keep you IN favour of the British people! ETHER DO something useful Nigel instead of a talking ACT! Or step aside for ANNE MARIE WALTERS PARTY or GEORGE GALLOWAY who is more than equipped to take these CURUPT POLITICIANS ON BOTH SIDES OF THE Commons!.

It beats me why it has gone on this long!

Magpie Fitness
Nuremberg style trial.

James Harrison
If bliar can get away with war crimes then nothing will happen to Gove and Hancock .

@Shane Rosser Absolutely agree, it needs to be done as there is so much evidence available! We can’t do it but there are people with the skills, knowledge and experience to deal with this, I just wonder how bad it has to get before someone does something.

Lazy Jesus
Unite in stringing up traitors

Israeldiegorivera2 Genius2
No to vaccine passports, sign the parliament petition. Disgrace

Stuart Hall
We already have! But, thank you for re-posting in comments. This needs more support.

Did so last week. This is such an important issue

already have ! thank you! And sent on to others 👍🏻

Painful or what?
Have done so but we all need to look at the words used. We are saying, no “passports” but Boris is suggesting we may need “certificates” which, to him and all politicians, is completely different.

Vic Tomised
“Badges, badges, we don’t need no stinking badges!!!” (You’ve gotta love Blazing Saddles 😁).

I wasn’t having a vaccine but these passports won’t leave me a choice, I have signed the petition.

Edmond Sveikutis
Tried to sign, but my post code always comes up not recognised. How many people have the same problem.

Tim Whale
The “creative term” being pushed for the passport is “Covid Situation Certificiate”. The sh*ts believe if you give it a better name the people will fall for it.

Andrea Rossini
Vaccine passport is against the law, What a stupid and pathetic law

Stoic Sceptic
@Andrea Rossini pesky human rights eh? Good news for fools like you though, China are operating just the kind of system you seem to want, so bugger off and live there 👍

craig davidson
UK needs a petition to demand that the governments do not follow any guide lines from the World Economic Forum.

What’s the petition number, I think I’ve signed it but…😕😕😕

Crazy Town
It’s approaching 200k. I wonder if they will ever debate this petition?

@craig davidson I’ll work with you on this. What about Kalergi, BLM, Antifa and WEF being classified as extreme organisations ???

Chris Stephens
@Crazy Town email your mp as well put some pressure on them

craig davidson
@Crazy Town they will do a grooming gang white wash

Have done but the government isn’t looking at any of them till all this is over.

70 A.D.
Medical records should be between yourself and your GP, and nobody else. Medical passports are draconian & are only enforced by tyrannical governments. What if they go ahead with it and you refuse. What will happen to you?

Sarah Wells
@Israeldiegorivera2 Genius2 Every time I email my MP the 1st thing that happens is 1 of his minions replies & asks me to prove I live in the constituency. Why? Do they think I would email an MP who DOESN’T represent me? Oh wait…that’s ALL MP’s then….

Toby Flenderson ,
They can’t do vaccine or health passports it’s discrimination under the equality act and the Nuremberg code

Eileen Pritchard

Eileen Pritchard

Lilley Pops
We are petitioning criminals.

Ivor Biggun
@Edmond Sveikutis Google a large local business (Tesco, Wetherspoons etc) and use their postcode.

Chris Stephens
@Eileen Pritchard do it again, every week, accuse them of lying and that you won’t vote for them again, they don’t like that…

@Edmond Sveikutis 🤔. Is your property a ‘new build’? …Sometimes the digital postcode data providers can be a bit slow updating the postcodes for companies and institutions to access.

Carl Morgan
What they don’t understand is. The likes of the Baleric Islands, Greece, Cyprus can’t afford to alienate their most valued UK customers by asking for a vaccine passport. Mainlands I can understand, but the islands they’ll need us more than we need them.

Chris Stephens
@Carl Morgan Greece has seen an opportunity because it is skint and needs tourists. I don’t think that they have thought it through. Also there is a much lower uptake of the vaccine in Europe so how can they demand vaccine passports when they can’t persuade their own people to take it??

Put U.K. First
Even more evidence of their lies.

Matt Walker
we all know he can’t answer questions without his script writers

James Royce
They can’t risk saying anything off the cuff that’ll come back to haunt them. Why they worry isn’t clear because these wankers can get away with murder at the best of times.

Tom Easton
I trust Hancock less than I trust my own politicians in N Ireland and believe me that takes a hell of a lot

Dave Wose 6%
I struggle with the notion that Hancock is human personally.

Trevor Random
The man has shares in the company producing the vaccine and his giving his mate the local pub landlord a massive government contract to supply PPE means we can’t trust him!

Tina Mcintyre
I trust him less than my dog eyeing up that fish finger on my plate, and that’s saying something .😹

Terry Judgement
Hancock came out of Klaus Schwab’s bum

Anthony Higham
To say that Handcock needs to answer some serious questions is probably the understatement of the century 🙄 Personally I’d set the inland revenue on him and scrutinise all his expenditure for the next ten years.

Off Grid
I’d set a pack of rabid wolves on him.

Terry Judgement
@Off Grid Do that as afters

Tina Forbes
They have the best accountants in town to take care of theirs/that side of the bargain. That’s for sure .

Moody Momo
Surprise surprise. Read a very interesting article in the BMJ regarding the care home deaths following vaccination. Norway has been very forthcoming in sharing data and in its investigation which is ongoing. The MHRA however has not been so open and gave a vague response when asked about the UK’s data on adverse reactions and simply said there was nothing of any concern and they may share info at some stage in the future. The comments left from fellow medical professionals was very telling.

Lone Liberation
They, along with Boris are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands, whilst trying to force the survivors into doing what they want them to do and bleed them dry of all their remaining money and basic human rights. These filthy creatures, and anyone braindead enough to support them should be shot and their corpses strung up for the rest of the disgusting creatures to see and fear over.

ev andersen
They will be dealt with, that’s a certain

Stephen Dallison
Politicians are PSYCHOPATHS. time to string em up. they don’t give a damn about anything other than money kiddy fiddling and destroying everything the public stand for.

Blueband 8
@ev andersen doubtful, they never are. Last time proper sentences were carried out, was the French revolution.

Stuart Hall
QUESTION: Does anyone, anywhere, any how still believe the Government’s Covid narrative? ANSWER: One of my elderly, widowed neighbours who also watches the B.B.C. CONCLUSION: I am both desperately sad and angry.

Lynn Cuthbert
There is nothing left to take. We have nothing to lose now. It’s time to stand up to this BS. They have no proof to back up any of this.

They have run over all our rights and liberties and their lockdowns have done God knows how much damage – Hancock needs to go now preferably to JAIL!! Along with Whitty & Vallance. Charles Walker among the few speaking any sense If they won’t answer questions get a vote of no confidence going now

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