Williamson’s UKPDS 700 Million for ”CCP” Program

Gavin Williamson says school day could be EXTENDED as he hails ‘boost for children’ with £700million Covid catch-up package including summer classes – but experts warn it could take TEN YEARS to heal ‘educational scarring’


GW: Call me a cynic but …… just another ToriCon Cash Grab from the Tax Payer Funded Piggy Bank. Surely there’s only an empty vault by now???  These people don’t create anything.  [[[They]]] just spend other people’s money.  As one frustrated SME owner recently said [[[they]]] should all be MADE to run a business & learn first-hand about the difficulties instead of shielding behind ”expenses accounts” etc.

It’s Only Words – Bee Gees

minty68, Exeter , United Kingdom,
@English flower, yes children went down mines and up chimneys and people had slaves, we treat each other better now and not all children will cope just as not all children bothered with home schooling and really it’s only the absentee children that should do extra

onenull, Nottingham, United Kingdom,
A weak man who gave into union demands for children to wear face masks. I don’t believe a word of what he is promising will happen.

Oldvalues, Liverpool, United Kingdom,
Ten years seems to be a huge exaggeration. There are several options, ranging from simply repeating the year (which may actually help in a lot of cases though the tertiary education establishments will scream as they will lose a lot of money), extending the school day back to what it used to be post war or even halving the 13 weeks of school holidays. The latter options will provoke fits of indignation from teachers who believe that are already hard done by working a massive 25 hour week for as many as 39 weeks of the year for a paltry average of 35K (my heart goes out to them). On the other hand, do nothing – I doubt that the standards achieved before covid could fall much lower.

GW: The whole Plandemic is a ”huge exaggeration”!  This whole ToriCon Gov Policy is just one ”huge exaggeration”!

Saigon Chris, Whitby , United Kingdom,
@GenderNeutralVegan. I hope your children are taken into care for their own good.

Staycheerful, Little Pickle, United Kingdom,
10 years to get back to normal is plain silly. You are only at school for 12 years

JohnJo1, Sevenoaks, United Kingdom,
Up to ten years to heal the damage done !!!! What a load of claptrap. Kids are resilient, A catch up year and things will be back to normal.  GW: You said it.

Scruffbags, Portsmouth, United Kingdom,
Forcing children to wear masks in school is nothing short of abuse…

tony, London, United Kingdom,
I was very ill at one point and had to stay at home. It was the most productive six months. Even with the illness I could sit in bed or a chair and read textbooks without distraction and at my own pace. I even got additional books on certain subjects. I started to enjoy educating myself. If I had the internet at that time I would have been even happier. Teachers are in a lot of cases not that important to the education of an individual provided that individual wants to learn and is motivated.

StayingHopeful, Redhill, United Kingdom,
We don’t want extended school days, we don’t want summer classes, we don’t want twice weekly testing, we don’t want masks in class, we don’t want exams to be cancelled. We just want to go back to normal.

GW: Now just a minute Tony ……. Some youngsters are sorely in need of proper role models but I agree with you about the endless possibilities of self education.  I recently encountered someone who was teaching herself Sanskrit Maths.  One first has to have the calibre to do it though.

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