S4S: Trump’s Gone CNN Free Falling with Dull Biden | Unhappy Globalist Politicians

Sanity For Sweden – 22 February 2021

Pinned by Sanity 4 Sweden
J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh
guess news about joe loving dogs n ice-cream aren’t things that sell over n over lol

Hay Tu
Agree. Biden is virtue signalling by getting a lame dog that doesn’t like him

GW: Biden ”clarifies” the story about his breaking his foot.  He was in the shower & the dog was in there too?  Same scenario as his daughter described.  Euch!

”Joe Biden brings up balls as everyone plays ball with their dog while naked in the bathroom” https://lamecherry.blogspot.com/2020/12/joe-biden-was-having-dog-sex-when-he.html

kung futzu
when trump ate icecream that made him fatuous & arrogant

GW: What about Pelosi eating it?  It has a double meaning 4 some.

J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh
@Hay Tu it’s that when mom treat him w silk gloves liberals believer that “he can’t be bad if he loves dogs” or some bs like that lol.

J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh
@kung futz yea “news” of trump was always bs, if he made a joke it was taken out of context n he got called crazy, but what he actually had said or achieved wasn’t told..

J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh
will be damn funny when all those “comedians” “journos” n whatnots lose their jobs when their 4 year old jokes get finally old.

Nick H
And his socks, don’t forget his socks!

I’m sure you could have a more intelligent conversation with his dog than with him.

Hay Tu
@J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh yeh if he loved dogs, he would have had them already. Not gone to the pound to pick one up to make himself look good. Funny if it bites him

Licorice Santa
If Joe likes dogs, then surely bestiality would draw some attention? If I was a dog, I would run from him as fast as possible. Just like if I was a little girl.

Lying Eyes
Good morning! Trump was the best President of all time. He was the most courageous and mistreated president of all

Pop Up
Now that the 1.5 million signatures to recall G Newsmen governor, have been collected, Trump has said he will return to Calif for more rallies.

California hits 1.5 million signatures to recall Governor Gavin Newsom

Batphink 2
I just gave your comment LIKE#117....’Q much….? LOL :)

Pop Up
There was some chatter that one of Trump’s people might be running for gov of Calif. Have to wait & see.

Ego Lysergic
@Pop Up Yes it will be very interesting. Thx for the info ☺

Grey Voice
Trump was like Brexit in a way, it took the UK over 4 years to finally get done what the people voted for, the establishment as we call it worked relentlessly against it using every tool in corrupt box of tools they had at their disposal… Even our legal system was rigged against Brexit! A referendum should be Law incarnate and Judges ruled to try to slow down/prevent at every turn! Trump had the ‘deep state’ against him (U.S. equivalent of ‘the establishment‘ and they did the same to him…

GW: Deep State is getting rather tired of ”populism” which is gaining momentum.  Watch what happens May 6 2021.

Pop Up
Just saw on You tube that Trump will be doing his first speech since election at ConservativePoliticalActionConference in Florida on Feb 28. Says he’s going to give Biden a run for his money.

Borealis 1
@Lying Eyes — Agreed 100%

Borealis 1
@Pop Up — Are you referring to Laura his daughter in law? I heard she’s replacing some senator.

Lara Trump Considers Running For NC Senate in 2022

Ego Lysergic
@Pop Up Some good news are welcome. People like Trump give me fuel to keep fighting.

Calvin Collins
The Whole World Knows The 2020 Election Was Stolen. President Trump Won in a Landslide. This is What Stealing a Landslide Looks Like.

Robyn Lund
You are absolutely correct! It’s heartbreaking. We need to get back what is legitimately ours!

Not the whole world. A long-time friend of mine dumped me because I support Trump.

Richard Brown
@RedMapleLeaf You’re miles better off to be without that friend. He/she is stone blind and deaf to common sense. Good riddance to rubbish i say.

@gregg fellows hahaha……..”everyone”.….sure. I guess that’s why they’re fighting tooth and nail NOT to prove they won, eh?

There all same just 2 parties and both all ways only winners why? Is this truampy git rid of propaganda law made so they can bullshit ti public Why? Cause iduots like y no idea life is about just fooled you fool

GW: Globalists ”love” their two party ”ping pong”.

Wow and who gives you authority to speak for the whole world??? That’s a pretty bold statement..

@gregg fellows baffling why folks think these politicians are about the people..or that one party is superior to the other!!! They’re all bloody well the same!!!

@gregg fellows When a democrat is confronted with facts: Deny, deny, deny! If that doesn’t convince: Lie, lie, lie… You either don’t care about the truth or have somehow managed to avoid knowing anything about the inexplicable patterns of this election…

gregg fellows
@Hallands fraud happens at every election, just as in this one it was so small it made no difference to the outcome, this election differed because of a pandemic and the way people were able to and chose to vote

@gregg fellows It was a target, massive ballot-tampering in key states.

Atheist Conservative
Ah, but see…our beloved President Trump is NOT gone…and that’s what’s driving them even crazier than they were before 😆😆👍🇺🇲

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