DD 23 February 2021: Important Announcement – Cards R Working – The Common Law Right to Silence unless expressly repealed by Statute.


23 February 2021: Neale v DPP – the right to silence, citizens’ duties and Coronavirus Regulations

Neale v DPP - the right to silence, citizens’ duties and Coronavirus Regulations

Chris Done
Daddy Dragon imo is second to none when it comes to the rights of the English. This man will only tell you the truth about our rights and laws. Thank you Graham Moore aka ( daddy dragon) for all you do for the English Patriots … Daddy Dragon is also a (gold) member of the English Democratic Party the only party standing up for the God given rights of the English. Join the English Democrats today and help fight this corrupt British government…….

Crap Head
The EDP… And RT need DD to be on their Committee with regards to English Common Law… If RT doesn’t offer this position to DD then RT is batting for the toffs and tories imo.. . Regards Tony (A Brummie and English)

Crap Head
So these top judges have by their ruling stated in print that even if you have committed an offence you are not obliged to give your personal details to old bill under common English law…. Regards Tony

chuck money
Yep, Your right to remain silent has always been the case, The Police now-a-days do NOT read you your rights, they trick you with their ‘Caution’ that only tells you what they want you to do, so as to pressure you into talking. If at the point of arrest you stop talking there is nothing they can do about it. Answer nothing, do not offer comment, Do not even accept a drink during interview if asked or respond to any questioning, when he arrives, inform your solicitor that you will not speak. I’d also suggest slapping Daddy Dragons ‘Bill of Rights’ Card on the table if you are allowed to have it on you, and just leave it there the entire interview.

Jon Dow – Aka DerbJD
People need to ensure they take NO ID with them, including car keys with logos and blippers, wallets with cards in AND contract mobile phones. Then if arrested and held, prosecute for kidnapping and false arrest!! 🤐🤐🤐🤐

chuck money
Laws of Tort need to be main stream, front and centre.

Well i guess we all owe a big thanks to the guy inside.. Top job and Thanks to whomever you are. And i hope the rabbit is ok.

Hope this news is a game changer …if police can no longer arrest for failure to give details…this opens up for gatherings and people to freely attend gyms cafes etc that are still open…support your local businesses if possible.

Jeff Barber
Well I am going to run with it I can not wait to inform the officer arresting me that “think you got it wrong again dad” and laughing my tits off when I asked him to close the cell door after him as I need to meditate until they release me and I will inform them that I’ll contract with them for £10 a minute Any day they want £14400 per day 72 hours 103.680 crack on because you personally will be on a tort 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 for the English

It’s ALWAYS been that way, It’s just a case of the British Courts have Upheld English Law which is Something. Now the Police are SCREWED for they know NOT of these Ancient customs and Traditions which give us our English Laws. We do and therefore £££££payday£££££ is as soon as the Police do what they do best. Won’t take long! Time to Collect Big Cheques!

Jeff Barber
William the law is being abused by the police and the judges have ruled against them for handing out fines using c19 2020 act

William Hardell
It’s not a game changer. All it shows is that under certain circumstances the police & CPS were wrong. They eventually arrested Neale under a different act, perfectly reasonably. Again, DD latches onto a minor detail (but important under certain circumstances) and amplifies it out of all proportion. Others seem to think that it’s a license to print money. It’s not.

William Hardell
@Jeff Barber It’s not that clear cut. Specific circumstances in this case meant that it could not stand. They won’t apply in all cases.

Jeff Barber
So you are saying that they can still use coronavirus act to fine me for meeting up with like minded people who need a end to this nonsense I am sure that they will have other acts or statutes to fine us they are masters at the game Of this I have no doubt

William Hardell
@Jeff Barber You’re right! One way or another they get you. It’s the law. The fine element hasn’t been challenged yet, I believe. The Neale case was about him not giving his details when asked or demanded. This is not even a small victory for anyone, it’s just the law being applied as we would expect.

@Jeff Barber Yup Definitely a game changer, Maybe they will start acting according to the LAW and NOT regulation!

Jeff Barber
@William I’ve been busy getting on with my life for 58 years and I thought my days of sitting in a cell were over. But I want to stand up for what is right I know nothing about common law or my constitutional rights But I do know what is in my eyes wrong and what is happening to people who just want to get on with life god knows that is hard enough

William Hardell
@Jeff Barber I agree with you. Life is tough, especially at the moment. Errors in law will always happen and it’s good see that the upholders of the law can be held to account. It’s not the anti-British, common law victory for the English that DD trumpets it as.

Jeff Barber
@William Hardell great information thanks bud have a great day All I know is I am nobody’s property and I’ve not signed any contracts or done anyone harm so who is claiming the verified right to administer property without right

charles wadham
there is still hope, if there are still judges that will do there jobs, thanks DD

charles wadham
so that police officer that said common law not here today, was unlawfull, misuse of his office ?

mark thespark
what a fantastic result T.E.A.R

Marion Moore
Thank You Daddy Dragon Shared and ordered 3 cards. Now I can listen, too busy to listen. Whilst doing the other stuff. 🤷‍♀️💯✅

Jon Dow – Aka DerbJD
That may be so, but people will want some kind of prompt in their pocket. Whether they ‘buy’ a card or write down what is said on it for their own use is no problem. I don’t look at this video as an advert to sell cards.

Jon Dow – Aka DerbJD
WELL DONE to the real courts for stopping the malpractice and frauds of the Circus Courts!!

William Hardell
However, the devil is in the details. It depends under which law you’re being arrested, I believe. If they believe that you’ve committed a crime they’ll get you one way or another so you might as well tell them and ease the way. Being deliberately obstructive wastes everyone’s time and might make matters worse.

@William Hardell Thanks, that’s my thinking, I’ve never had any problems with the police as I’m always polite. If I receive a fine I would say nothing, but not pay it. (if it comes through)

you people really need to keep up..yes dd did say gives name etc in the face of police working against their oath…now with this ruling firmly established,if you out with reasonable excuse and you get jumped on by police..you now safe in knowledge to refuse details …simples.. anything dd says William Hardell will jump on..think he got a crush on him.

there is no right to silence if stopped at certain UK ports or one mile from the border of N.I and Ireland.

Jeff Barber
Oh my god the dam has just burst

Brian English
Can’t pubs open under the protection of magna cata?

Biscuit Boy
No. I believe it has been tried and has failed.

Jon Dow – Aka DerbJD
So this means that C-19 arrests for ANY contravention of the bullsh1t lock down rules are now powerless!! 🥳🥳👏🏻👏🏻🥳🥳

William Hardell
No it doesn’t. This judgement only applies to this particular Neale case due to certain special circumstances.

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