McA-TV: Q ANON 4545! DS DEATH TOLL RISING! High SNARK Content! The Invisible Enemy!

McAllister TV – Published on 22 Feb 2021

McA: Recent Suspicious Globalist Related Deaths List & then Q says ”The month of August is traditionally fairly hot.  You have more than you know.”

How can Biden’s EOs have merit if he’s not really potus? I find it hard to believe that
these are clones under W.H. control when they are still revealing themselves to be as
evil as the people they supposedly replaced. You can continue to trust the plan if you
want. I will trust the Lord’s plan because His has never failed.

Covid19 is not a pandemic. There is a political agenda, which uses covid19 as a front.
Covid19 was released by the Deep state cabal to enslave people of the world and introduce the NWO – New World Order and the Great Reset (communism – one world Government, one religion/ satanic and one world currency.)
Of course a lot of people can’t see Covid19 is fake. They’re too busy listening to the tell lie vision and doing exactly what it tells them to do.

the dunmbass democrats continue to divide, divide, divide. now they are the moral police that find that republicans and any one not themselves are raceist, repulsive, and “rong” ..……everything that is contrary to their agenda is labeled threatening, bigoted, and should be “stamped out ” – being white is the same as claiming superiority of race and threatening their revision of proper conduct.  their favorite ploy …turn everything around, profess they are the oppressed, and “off to the camps for re-education, and de-liceing. “.……get this, a friend said his daughter was approached in her school restroom by three “minority color girls “ who threatened her and shoved her into the wall, when asked why, they replied ”you being white offends us” ok, so reverse that ……i bet the fake news of the local t v channel would have that as their opening segment and call for those neo-nazi s bigot haters of equality to be hung at sunrise. this is only the beginning of this type of hate opinion speech [funny …they want to do away with the first amendment, unless it serves their purpose of division] we must keep true to the truth …regardless of the lies and liars, keep love the foundation of our principals, and stand together in the face of evil dumb, that thinks professing all their bullshit will really result in making us throw the first punch. oh yea, we will throw it, but only when it’s worth throwing, and that will be with truth, love and justice ….not hate, lies, and stupid rhetoric that any fool can see through. we are in tough times …. like in nazi Germany, they got the average person to see only their directive, until that was the only directive, and thus the agenda made sense. if opposed, it was too late after 1933. don’t be fooled ….bite your tongue at the crap they want you to react to with violence …but be willing to BITE when the time is right with such force of justified GOD directed retaliation [not revenge ] that they will be struck down “like a sword of fire from heaven” ”because of their evil deeds”……intimidation only works if you let yourself be intimidated. we will not let that happen. too many of us are awake to their counter-productive evil plan. we know your game ….we will not play by those fake rules, we know your plan ……we wear the amor of GPD. JAMUS

Ah yes, the gold old Lucy and Ethel Cockamamie Scheme, the DS’s favorite

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