Why are we still in ”Lockdown” – Not enough SMBs have folded yet apparently!

Lord Chris @explorer101A
I spoke to a UK business analyst just moments ago. I’ve been asked not to quote his name, I’ll respect that.

The general information he provided, which, I deem to be very reliable, is that not enough SMB’s have folded, hence why the restrictions must continue.

Lord Chris @explorer101A
Replying to @explorer101A
Far too many stories of larger corporations, who are involved in big scale commerce operations with small to medium businesses facing financial disaster. This is a deliberate effort to centralise UK business industry by crippling small businesses. Think of them as vultures!

Tequila Mockingbird @Teqmock
All WEF (The Great Reset, 4th Industrial Revolution) and United Nations (Agenda 21 / 2030) and the Central Banks (Central Bank Digital Currency)

What’s Really Going On – Hegelian Dialectic

The global elite have been planning to re-shape our world for many years. To do so, they employ a dialectical method of argument, which relies upon a contradictory process between two opposing sides.  Here’s a short Video:


Roadtoserfdom @roadtoserfdom3
Replying to @explorer101A
Certainly a primary motivator from the beginning. Because we are already essentially a ”command economy” the corporate state really can’t allow normal trade or free movement anymore. No ”planned economy” can tolerate or withstand individual decision making. Restrictions permanent.

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