What is KCL & Why would you find it in a Vaccine?

KCL or potassium chloride is very lethal, especially when used in high dosage. Potassium chloride greatly influences our cardiac muscles, so make sure to use caution if you are thinking of using it on yourself. Potassium chloride is very helpful in our body. Many physicians use it to treat people with low blood levels.

Why is KCL Used in Lethal Injections?

What’s in Pfizer’s vaccine?
KCL – 0.01 mg to stabilise other ingredients apparently

What’s in Pfizer’s vaccine? A look at the ingredients

Lethal Medicine


Published on 02 Feb 2021

“Laurent Fabius was accused of canceling any formalities for testing blood samples, and the contaminated blood entered the market without going through the testing process. He ordered the screening when consignments of contaminated blood were dispatched. According to statistics, in France alone, 4,700 patients with hemophilia were contracted AIDS through the transfusion of HIV-infected blood, of which 300 died.”

In the 1980s, the French sold Iran tainted blood products that resulted in 200 Hemophiliac patients contracting HIV. It took many of these patients years before they first realized about their disease. This gravely aggravated the situation and caused further spread of the virus. Spouses got infected, children were born with AIDS, and parents were left distraught and distressed. Lack of awareness and stigmatization of AIDS’ earlier years drove these families into isolation. It is estimated that the lives of nearly 3000 people were affected by the contaminated Factor eight products which were prepared in France. It is documented that Laurent Fabius, the man who presides over the France Foreign Ministry since 2012, is the main culprit in the case of exporting tainted blood products to Iran as well as nine other countries. Many of the first victims including the first ever child who contracted HIV in Iran are now passed away. But the families are still grieving and fighting for justice. The French pharmaceutical giant of Sanofi Aventis has so far failed to provide Iranian victims with compensation. PRESS TV Documentaries

So much is being revealed and many locked down can see all of our posts and finally get educated and they wonder why social media is attacking us. I got permanently banned from uTubs forever. No chance to debate. No penalty for a couple of days or weeks. No WARNING.

GW: Those who were knowingly spreading HIV to innocent third parties so [[[they]]] could then pump more drugs into the patients [[[they]]] created are still on the same game today with this current Plandemic.  Ergo Fauci.  [[[They]]] have been at this game a long while.

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