WGAP: Khan Stands By History Destroying Commission Member As Old Posts Against Abbott & Lammy Surface.

21 February 2021

Derek Tweed
If they don’t like it Leave, can’t rewrite History good or bad

Jan Dances
Boris has stated NO STATUES ETC TO BE REMOVED EVER . Had khan heard this?  No….

Jan Churchill
How that guy spoke to the Queen is disrespectful – How on earth has he been allowed to get away with it?

Peter Nettleton
If this arsehole likes his African ethnicity so much, then sod off back there and take a few thousand like minded people with you!

Hear, hear!

Neil Williams
Too fkin right.

Mark Ullyott
Exactly that 👏👏👏

Geoff Logan
So many people are coming to the same conclusion. We in this country have lost so much in the last fifty years because of uncontrollable immigration and a washing away of our national identities through the sh!te these not very bright Marxist spout.

Will end in blood, Enoch Powell was right.

Milly Molly
Not his history, not his heritage.

Janet Humphries
@Milly Molly I agree. It seems that these people who live in our country, that came from their own country of origin, want to change our country to theirs, Just think what the UK would look like if they succeed.

Muriel Jones
@Janet Humphries Wouldn’t worry on that score they don’t have the power it would not be allowed to happen by Parliament so don’t worry

Milly Molly
@Janet Humphries Third world sh!thole.

Tiebeth Shibanuma
If he had his way St Paul’s would become a Mega Mosque, he needs to be stopped.

M Robo
Yes! He would, just what our country kneeds. 👍🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 FOREVER!

I’ve just been sick in my mouth at the thought.

Rob Dunhill
If they did that it would get destroyed within a week.

Call to prayer from big ben

Anna Verano
How is a mayor allowed to have this much power

wendy atilla
@Anna Verano Because Boris and his foreign cohorts allow it they want England destroyed to make way for their NWO great reset .

GW: You mean Al Johnson_Kemal who is actually Turkish by descent but changed the family name – Why not keep it?  Surely one is proud of one’s heritage?

Can’t have third world people In a first world country and expect it not to degrade horribly.

Codeine IFT-X
But hey, I guess us white lads are still racist for calling this sh!t out?

Ged Woods
Race card. Deffo as powerful as the white privilege card init

Trump called Khan a ‘stone-cold loser’ during the approach to Heathrow & Khan is obsessed with proving him right.

Jan Churchill
Khan needs to go he’s not for the British ppl.

Eileen Webster
If he doesn’t like this country and its people, he is free to leave any time.

Mikey My
Now if this guy had anything to do with the conservatives he’d already be cancelled, for the remarks on Abbott and Lammy he’d be getting a visit off the police for hate crimes.

Robert Thain
Communists always turn on each other sooner or later.

John Griffiths
Owen Jones is going to not like Islam quite quickly as he’s being flung from a tall building.

thms mrshll
@John Griffiths Nah. He’ll love it.

Sean Delap
Shades Khan said: ”It’s all part and parcel of living in a major city’‘ after every islamic terrorist attack that strikes the city – how could anyone trust a sneaking regarded like that.

Paul Reeves
I can’t take this any more😡 I’m an ex serviceman living in the most deplorable conditions in a hostel in East London, I have worked and paid my taxes all my life but I am now living amongst crackheads and prostitutes, twice today I have been propositioned by residents for the princely sum of £10. My greatest fear is that now I have nothing left to lose I should serve my country one last time. Khan try to erase my country’s history and I will rise up and erase you, Old soldiers never die we just fight new battles.. God bless the Queen. My oath to our sovereignty and country I take to the grave.

GW: God Bless You Sir.

Carl Garner
We salute you.

terry tunney
Well said buddy. i am a vet. i totally agree with you. But don’t go to jail for an arsewipe like him

Paul Reeves
@Carl Garner Thankyou so much Carl, the sad thing is all us ex squaddies would be ready to serve again as we once did, yet we are forgotten about once we leave the services. I would get more help being a junkie or a criminal😥

Paul Reeves
@terry tunney Being an ex vet you understand how much this hurts, I’m the tenth born of an old East london family, I witnessed my first shooting at six years old, Back in the day we had respect and morals within our community but now it is all about what you can take from one and other. No community spirit just take what you can take. Our loyalties and respect have been eroded by the scourge of drugs and the fact that if your a junkie or a sponger you will get more help than the righteous man.

Natasha Bennett
Thanku for your service 🇬🇧 are you aware of the little veteran? He can help get you out of that accommodation,

The true British people are with you, don’t lose hope.

David Jones
People are too scared to call out these black and Asian racist politicians they should have no say in history at all.

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