How did Zarah Sultana MP get voted onto the Commons Science & Technology Committee when she has a degree in International Relations & Economics & has never worked in a non political job in her life?

Brian Corbett @HD2onPBdotcom
How did Zarah Sultana, MP get voted onto the Commons Science & Technology Committee when she is:

  • As thick as mince
  • Has a degree in International Relations & Economics
  • Never worked in a non political job in her life?

She was ripped to bits in the recent Q&A session by everyone

Paul C @MrPLC
Replying to @HD2onPBdotcom
How are pretty much any MPs dealing with matters for which they are completely unequipped

TV Licensing Blog @tvlicensingblog
Replying to @HD2onPBdotcom and @johndmtb
It’s the way politics works. People with no experience of the armed forces become Defence Minister/Secretary, non-medical people get to become Health Minister/Secretary, illiterates get to become Education Minister/Secretary.

Andy Morgan Flag of Wales @WWelshDragon10
Watch the original series of ”Yes, Minister,’‘ starring Paul Eddington, Derek Fowlds and Nigel Hawthorne to see how Westminster works. MPs wined and dined the writers and fed them plot lines based on true events….

Brian Corbett @HD2onPBdotcom
Indeed. The rise and rise of the ‘professional politician’ in recent decades has been a disaster, IMO.

I’d end MPs salaries, but provide ‘free’ travel, office and housing (in London) – at venues convenient to the taxpayer. Must be plenty of redundant office space in London now

McLoddy @Mcomegetsome
Her opinions are misguided, naive and often divisive. I’d have thought she was a bit of an embarrassment to the party.

Brian Corbett @HD2onPBdotcom
You could say the same about Lammy & Burgeon – not to mention all those who have been before the courts on fraud charges

Paul Spackman @PaulSpackman
Replying to @HD2onPBdotcom
Same way that China & Saudi Arabia get on the United Nations Human Rights Council…unfathomable politics that care nothing for the realities of life

Would be reasonable to also ask how someone so manifestly unsuitable even becomes an MP

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