Rap Music Continues to Glorify Robbing Asians

Back in 2017, California-born rapper, YG released a song called “Meet The Flockers.” These are the beginning lyrics to the song.

“First, you find a house and scope it out

Find a Chinese neighborhood, cause they don’t believe in bank accounts

Second, you find a crew and a driver, someone ring the doorbell

And someone that ain’t scared to do what it do

Third, you pull up at the spot

Park, watch, ring the doorbell and knock

Four, make sure nobody is home”

The phrase, “Mei Ling took me shopping,” is Drakeo’s way of describing breaking into an Asian woman’s house, robbing it, and buying out Neiman Marcus, reports the Los Angeles Times.

Could these be one of many contributing factors in the recent uptick of assaults and robberies targeting the Asian-American community by elements of the African-American community? Imagine if you will, an Asian rapper or Caucasian rapper like Eminem rapping about targeting/robbing African-Americans. Would that be acceptable?

Rap Music Continues to Glorify Robbing Asians

GW: Yep I have heard that the B-A-ME community is not quite as unified as we have been  told it is.  Thanks to The Crazy Conservative for the information.

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