If you’re vaccinated but as the scientists have indicated you CAN still spread the virus why should YOU be allowed to enter pubs restaurants and sporting venues but those not vaccinated can’t?

Ajay Jagota @ajayjagota
If you’re vaccinated but as the scientists have indicated you CAN still spread the virus why should YOU be allowed to enter pubs restaurants and sporting venues but those not vaccinated can’t? #askingforafriend

Ajay Jagota @ajayjagota
1/2 India with a population of 1 Billion many whom live in poverty has seen a dramatic drop in infections with no explanation / this is following a global trend again with no explanation given that many countries haven’t begun vaccinations

Ajay Jagota 🏃‍♂️ @ajayjagota
2/2 Seven-day rolling average for new daily coronavirus cases, worldwide.

    • 12th of January: 740,000
    • 15th of February: 398,000

[[[Their]]] virus is retreating in spite of vaccinations or lockdowns

Judgey @MartinJudge10
Replying to @ajayjagota
There are so many contradictions exposed when standard medical covid thought is examined: the India case is one of them

A genetic explanation is countered by the UK Indian experience and the climatic explanation by the Brazilian situation –Experts” may not be as expert as claimed

Clara 5 @threeoffive
Replying to @ajayjagota and @RickyThomasblog
They have been using ivermectin- Thumbs up

the doctor @thedoctorxxx
Replying to @ajayjagota
Yet we need vaccination passports! This is starting to look quiet sinister.

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