“As things stand at the moment, it is hard to deny the possibility of a correlation between mass vaccination and a sharp spike in Covid-19 cases in both Israel and Britain.” Gilad Atzmon

10 February 2021

Imagine if the Covid vaccine actually contributed to the spread of the infection rather than stopping it. Can you imagine what a catastrophe that would be? Unfortunately, there are signs that that is precisely what is happening in the countries that have implemented the most aggressive vaccination programs.

Take Israel, for example. In the last 6 weeks, Israel has vaccinated roughly 40% of its population of 9 million people including nearly all of those in the most vulnerable age group of 60 years and older. It’s quite an achievement. Also–according to Dr Daniel Landsberger, Chief physician Maccabi Healthcare Services–

“Only 1 in 10,000 who got the vaccine got infected with Covid and none of them have been hospitalized. We are hoping by the middle of March, we will be able to return to normal life.” (NBC News)

It all sounds so good that one can only wonder why vaccinations have recently slowed to a crawl and the government is now researching ways to coerce the public into getting the jab.

Why would that be? Why would people hesitate to get vaccinated in the face of such a stunning success? Check out this clip from an article at The Times of Israel titled “As demand for vaccines plummets, Israel may resort to incentive programs”:

“With Israel’s world-leading vaccination drive slowing because of a collapse in demand, the Health Ministry and some private firms are looking at ways to incentivize Israelis to go and get their shots…. it was decided that a plan would be presented for the approval of the Finance Ministry, which would allow HMOs to give staff members who persuade patients to get vaccinated a salary bonus.

The Givatayim municipality will offer a municipal tax deduction for every family that has been vaccinated.
Pelephone, Yes! and Bezeq International announced a collaboration with the “Latet” charity firm in which they will donate a hot meal to those in need for each of the 4,000 employees of the companies who get vaccinated….

There have also been worrying signs of medical workers declining to be vaccinated.” demand has dropped by 50 percent since a record 240,000 Israelis were vaccinated on January 12. “We have no explanation for why people are not coming….(“As demand for vaccines plummets, Israel may resort to incentive programs“, The Times of Israel)

…. // ….

There’s no indication that Israel’s vaccine strategy is working, in fact, quite the contrary. Check out this blurb from an article by Gilad Atzmon at Unz Review:

“Ynet points out that… after six weeks in lockdown the situation didn’t improve at all. Despite Israel leading the world mass vaccination experiment, its COVID transmission rate is among the worst in the Western world.

“Ynet points out that… after six weeks in lockdown the situation didn’t improve at all. Despite Israel leading the world mass vaccination experiment, its COVID transmission rate is among the worst in the Western world.

The Ynet article stresses that “tomorrow at 7:00 AM the third lockdown will end, a month and a half after it was imposed – and the COVID data is much worse today compared with the situation at the beginning… at the point of departure of the third lockdown at the end of December, the rate of positive tests was 4.9%, the number of critical hospitalized patients was then 949, the number of verified cases was 4,010….. On Tuesday, the positive rate was 8.9%, the number of patients was 1,101 and the number of verified cases was 7,183. Even the R number, which determines whether the epidemic is spreading, has risen again to 1 in recent days.” (“Israel’s Third Lockdown- a Spectacle of Failure”, The Unz Review)


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