WGAP: The Guardian Just Noticed The Weak Fence Sitting Labour Party Supports Desperate Matt Hancock

WE GOT A PROBLEM – 13 February 2021

11 February 2021 Guardian Simon Jenkins: Ten years in jail – Matt Hancock’s threat is the distress call of a minister losing his grip https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/feb/11/ten-years-in-jail-matt-hancocks-threat-is-the-distress-call-of-a-minister-losing-his-grip

WGP: Whitehall now saying he did not create a new offence well why did he announce it as if he was?  Covering his own Arse for previous mistakes.  When [[[they]]] see compliance is slipping the only thing [[[they]]] have is to issue more threats.

WGP: The present Government Justice Secretary Robert Buckland said he had not been consulted even though Hancock said that he had spoken with the Justice Dept.

WGP:  I have that clip where Hancock said he did consult Justice Dept.

11 February 2021 LBC: Nick Ferrari ruthlessly challenges Hancock over ‘disproportionate’ 10 year jail threat

GW: ”It is very important to make sure we have secure borders” says Hancock the Court Jester.  Bullcrap – Rubber Boaters arrive daily & are not jailed – just sent to Hotels/Army Barracks etc.  No probs with Open Borders on THAT level!   ”It ”might” stop the effectiveness of the vaccine.” ???????? Another Hancockism.  So what you REALLY mean is – it might stop people taking the Vaccine.. Oh I see.

John Byrne
No one with any common sense would ever vote for loony Labour. As the opposition party they’re a total dead loss.

The Geordie Weatherman
Sadly, they would in my constituency, Wansbeck 😔😔😔

miss butter
I’m proud to say I’ve never voted!!.. always seen through those ugly lying arse wipes!!

er du dum eller hvad
@miss butter Please vote. If we want the Lockdowns to end we all need to vote for an anti-lockdown Party. I’ll be voting for Reform UK. I’ve Voted Tories before, but they are “conservative” by name only

Lynn Youngman
@miss butter please vote if you care about your country and what’s happening to the common people. I’m voting Reform Party 🇬🇧 I want change.

miss butter
I dont think there is democracy Even if we all voted for reform if they don’t fit globalist plan they ain’t getting anywhere!!!.. we’ve bin taken over by a dark sinister globalist regime!!..

er du dum eller hvad
@miss butter Brexit didn’t fit the globalist agenda, Trump’s win in 2016 didn’t fit their agenda. Both still happened. If we don’t try, we are doomed to fail

miss butter
Elections are fraudulently rigged!! But yeah i guess vote reform!!.. even though they wud never get through the fraudulance!!..

miss butter
We should govern ourselves with our own moral compass and have no need of government!! Daddy nanny state control!!! We’re better than that

Tories and Labour R finished in my eyes, let’s hope alternative parties get their act together and do not cancel each other out to let these weasels back in again

Hazel Hogan
@er du dum elder head – but [[[they]]] learned [[[their]]] lesson and now there’s dominion voting machines. ☹️

er du dum eller hvad
@Hazel Hogan We have to try to do it with voting. Otherwise it’s civil war, which we should try to avoid.

james scott
@er du dum eller hvad I wouldn’t be so sure of that….. I’ve always been a brexiteer, However, seeing the anti-Europe propaganda all over the globalists’ media, in the run up to the referendum, I have always suspected it’s all part of the grand plan. My guess is, at some point, it will be used as a stick to beat us with. Look how trump worked out. They’re openly calling for the incarceration of his supporters on t.v. This shit show’s only just warming up.

@The Geordie Weatherman You’re not far from Blyth.

The guy with the shades
We like the US are a one party system. Wake up

The guy with the shades
@miss butter sadly we aren’t there yet. Humans are still quite easily manipulated and stupid.

Mark Ullyott
@miss butter unfortunately you have to play [[[their]]] game to beat [[[them]]]. Vote please, you’re guilty of aiding all this by not voting

Mark Ullyott
@miss butter our schools and universities are pumping out woke children burdened with guilt status and the fear they won’t live to see their children.. You’ve got to vote

The Geordie Weatherman
@lewisner Aye, from the Station. The posh part, like 😉

@The Geordie Weatherman The whole area will be posh when that Gigafactory in Blyth gets up and running.

The Geordie Weatherman
@lewisner It’s coming on. I take the hoonds to Cambois Beach every day, and they’re progressing at a canny pace.

Roland Braithwaite
of course, Heathrow is open how would the Elites slip in and out of the country??

[[[They]]] are not Elites! [[[They]]] are the lowest of low.

David Pierce
Just look at the number of private flights leaving from private airfields. Tells us all we need to know !!

Bob D
600 mp’s in solidarity. The uniparty is in power.

Spinning Spin
Hancock lost his grip a longtime ago. If he carries on he will be lucky not to lose his head.

“Secure border” ... but only if it is A BRIT coming in … MIGRANTS AREN’T JAILED FOR 10 YEARS!

Lady Laois
@Muck006 it’s seriously beyond madness

Antony Kirkwood
We need Nigel Farage to find a way out, he’s the only personality thinking of centrist ideas.

Ben Gleiss
Ideas like standing down when Boris flutters his eyelids at him

Robin Le Comte
@Ben Gleiss Can you please advise what “eye liner” BOJO used at the time? If anyone thinks Mr Farage has a ” hope in hell” of being elected into the British Parliament, then I am going to recommend to Matt Hancock, that he looks at a 12 year prison sentence for such “thinkers”. A good thought from you!

Ben Gleiss
@Robin Le Comte I’m not sure what eye liner, maybe he’s just born with it…. Like everything else he was born with (inherited wealth, connections and privilege)

Handcock is the type that would got to a fancy dress party as Han Solo just so he can use his sleazy chat up line shaking his hand suggestively and saying they don’t call me Han Solo for nothing

Kevin Robert Frasier
I would like to know how Matt Hancock has come up with the 10 day stay at a ”recognised by government hotel” so who are these hotels that are for the 10 day stay? They wouldn’t by any chance be linked to politicians who have their disgusting dibs in everything that is wrong with our corrupt establishment would they?

Happy Camper
Meanwhile the government has made special conditions for musicians. Allowing those with labels to travel internationally. 🤦🏻‍♂️

If there isn’t a public enquiry into the government for their incompetence and corruption during this fiasco, I will be leaving this country because it isn’t a democracy we live in. The United Kingdom is far from feeling like home at the moment.

Karl Carrigan
Just watching the advert at the end of this video “JET2 HOLIDAYS” What a joke!!!

CC Jelley
probably paid for by the government to torment us. criminals.

Brian Douglas
Whether there is prison capacity or not is irrelevant, 10 years for telling a fib is the hallucination of a maniac.

I’ve been looking at old Matt for about 12 months now (old clips and interviews) and I’m confident this man has a cocaine problem! The only other explanation is he’s just a complete nutjob. Either way I do not trust him.

Kevin T
Matt Hancock couldn’t sort a pack of cards ♦️❤️

Liber Tarian
Hancock believes in nothing but his own interests. He was pro-EU.

Scott Deagan
Hancock should be given a 10 year sentence for giving his neighbor a £100+ million pound PPE contract (his neighbor who runs a pub and has zero experience in procuring PPE).

bad user name
The government should get a life sentence, at the very least, for misinforming the public.

julian chesser
Politics in this country are in a mess there is no opposition any more it’s a joke but of course if your trying to get rid of capitalism you send in the clowns that’s how the elite work it’s what they do when they want to get rid of a company they send in the clowns

steve bucuris
the grooming gangs do not that length of sentence.

Patrick A. Crawley
Jereny Thorpe photo on the wall.

Marc Cora
He has totally lost it. He is finished he just doesn’t know it yet! Hitler only saw it when the Russians were smelling his sweat in Berlin! Drunk on power.

Debbie Davies
Pity they don’t imprison the illegal economic migrants that continue to arrive unimpeded from France but then we all know they have a free pass this government has messed up big time with their handling of the covid debacle !

John Adams
He should lock them up in Army Barracks, sorry they are already full then I suppose we will have to put them in prison, sorry they are already full. Only thing then put them in Hotels, sorry they are already full – I know close the Boarders. Sorry I forgot they will come over on rubber dinghies.

JJ The Cat
Did you see their leaked election strategy which included the requirement to appear more patriotic and supportive of the troops etc based on the results of their recent focus groups? Through gritted teeth I bet 😂🤣😂🤣

Denise Trott
Oh yes diane abbott with a union flag draped over her would really be convincing 🤣

@Denise Trott 🤣😂 ‘lets not forget magic grandpa. he loves the uk

Horse and stable door comes to mind.

Marc Gillin
Like a scene from yes minister civil service stitch up😂😂

Please help by signing the petition on the U.K. government petition website to stop vaccine passports need to get to 100.000 signatures minimum for it to be debated.

Jon Foster
common sense from the guardian? that one slipped past the editor but not to worry i’m sure whoever it was that wrote the article to be fired shortly

i am sure he has already been fired and thrown in the gulag

It was a miracle it got by the editor so he will get the chop too

Ray Purchase
FUN FACT 1: The Guardian is more than 30% owned by the Saudi royal family. Google it.
FUN FACT 2: The Guardian loses £millions (sometimes tens of £millions) every year in perpetuity.
QUESTION: Why would a foreign state want to invest in a newspaper which haemorrhages money forever?

ashley styles
Cos the Saudis don’t want to “appear as racist”? Pffffft I spat out my coffee!! Try living there for 6 years…….

Robert Bruce
“Hysteric in chief” (Hancock)…rofl

Gillian Mcmullan
Great-let’s lock up all dingy arrivals now

He (and the rest imho) need to be assigned a lamp-post and cos they all wear ties there’s no need for stranded hemp or plastic products.

Jules Leon

Egg fried Rice
2021 and we the British population have less freedoms now then we have had since the days the Romans were here!

Linda Stone
Seeing as Labour use quota’s to fill their lists, it’s no surprise that there is no one on their benches who have enough intelligence to put forward any argument to counteract the Tories.

Israeldiegorivera2 Genius2
No to mandatory or coerced vaccines. Sign the no vaccine passport parliament petition.

@John Horse there is a few worth signing. a video will be made on all of them shortly – Petition: Do not rollout Covid-19 vaccine passports – https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/569957

@John Horse – Petition: Repeal Coronavirus Act and end all Covid-19 restrictions – https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/561995

@John Horse – Petition: After the vaccine roll-out to high risk groups, remove ALL covid-19 restrictions https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/564347

i have signed it mate

Neria Wolf
@WE GOT A PROBLEM Excellent. I’ve signed them all!

ashley styles
Petitions were suspended weeks ago. Didn’t you get the memo? Or read the government ANNOUNCEMENT to that effect??

Nathan Leak
Matt Hancock has a real David Brent vibe about him


Young old boy
If only politicians could be locked up for ten years for lying.

Lion Roars
We would need more jails……

Bill Gowland
One way of getting rid of the Tory party In one swoop

Lion Roars
@Bill Gowland You would lose all of them…..lying is the trade of a politician….

Bill Gowland
@Lion Roars the current crop of Tories are all serial liars and as such should be doing life. As for Johnson his never ending catalogue of lies should have him on death row awaiting a meeting with old Smokey.

@Bill Gowland He’ll have to wait in line behind the professional liars from the left.

When GBNews starts up the BBC will be placed into palliative care and left to die.

They don’t make any profit and rely on donations, great business model like the BBC!

Lucy Trollop
It’s also the most expensive. The only people who can afford to buy it work in the public sector.

Terry Judgement
And Bill Gates funds both of them

@G G I can see it now their latest charity event BBC Comic Relief. Please help us feed our starving celebrities Just £1.5 million is barely enough to keep Gary Lineker from starving to death.

@AL BUNDY funny, it reminds me of ‘Northern Relief’ a sketch by Harry Enfield. It was hilarious

@G G I am surprised they haven’t gone after Harry Enfield yet because of his Nelson Mandela skits

Youtube Worm Hole
It’s bought strictly inside the M25 ring road

Free Speech
Death to the left

We need a stronger goverment that is fit for serving the Brittish people. The only hope is the reform party.

Lord Rhino
Never thought I see the day the guardian becomes based

paul rowe
Labour couldn’t win a raffle even if they bought all the tickets let alone an election

Alexander The panda
The guardian suddenly concerned about border security. Lol

i know i had to take a nap after reading it the first time

George Gunn
What…The Guardian! Blimey...”I could crush a grape” !!

Starmer has the charisma of a bin lorry. Labour are so unbelievably incompetent it’s shocking

i should report you for insulting bin lorries 😂

Denise Trott
Can’t even believe he was a barrister can’t stand up in parliament to make an argument never mind a court room

Barney Rubble
@WE GOT A PROBLEM yeah, because at least bin lorries are very useful🤣

Old English White
I used to drive bin lorries and I can tell you they have less shit in them when fully freighted, 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿👍🏻

Paulus thewoodknome
I think I know a way round this. Go on holiday, then return in a dingy from France. They’ll then put you up in a four star hotel and save you £17 and a half G in the process.

roy wall
Since no one with any kind of moral foundation would support these measures, I must then suppose that no one in government has a moral foundation. Not one person who is currently in this cabinet is worthy of trust moving forward.

Does this include illegals from Dover?

Labour under Kier Starmer are on the same side as the Tories who are implementing the “Great Reset”Kier Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission who are key players in the whole thing.

ashley styles
Exactly. They are fucking us over to “save the fluffy bunnies”.

it’s 1984
Spot on👍👍👍👍

Hancock is doing more damage than good to MY country, he needs removing asap Boris!!

Social distancing from carbs
Misunderstood exosome activity at a cellular level sees world held to ransom by toxic sludge agenda. Eyes need opening with 500 page fully referenced Dissolving Illusions by Dr Suzanne Humphries MD and Roman Bystrianyk. I don’t believe you know what informed consent is unless you have read this 200+ year history of vaccines and disease. Combine this with some terrain theory and you can finally see truth from propaganda and bogus ideology.

Click to access Suzanne_humphries_dissolving_illusions_disappearance_polio.pdf

Keen baker-dias
I love how he slips in executives will be fine and dandy

Dreadnought Danny
We are up shit creek with a burst spleen with the Tories and liebour being our only main political parties

Denise Trott
Secure borders 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Andrew Maull
How does he get to make these statements though, surely they must be run by Doris first, or has Doris just decided to let him make a bigger t**t of himself.




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