Matt Hancock – Pando Villain: Oh No I didn’t – TaxPayer Audience: Oh Yes you did.

GW: The story about his owning shares in a Vaccine company is now being totally denied by Hancock.

”I don’t own any but I know a man what does.”

Patrick Vallance has £600k of shares in vaccine maker GSK

And my family just somehow has connections to a firm that has received a Covid Contract … but don’t look there – Look over HERE.

Firm ‘linked to Matt Hancock’s family’ given £5,500,000 mobile testing contract

Firm ‘linked to Matt Hancock’s family’ given £5,500,000 mobile testing contract

Whatever way you look at it – This whole ”Period of Pandemonia” – as Mr Windows likes to call it – has been a Godsend for the Political Class & their ”friends & families” – The biggest ”looting of public funds operation” to have been pulled off in my lifetime at least.

Sylvia Mac ⚒⚒ @mac46100
Replying to @DaisyAdeleleo
He doesn’t. The Department of Health & Social Care does, not him personally. Whoever holds the position of Secretary of State for Health is named on Companies House documents during their tenure.

GW: Even worse news.

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