DN: Impeachment Fails Big, Crowning Achievement of Dem’s Weekly Embarrassments & Scandals


Dustin Nemos – 14 February 2021

The reporter that had his finger broken on CNNs YouTube Channel, it was at the protest, it’s a fake rubber hand, it was set up to look like Patriot’s broke his finger, that’s how insane they are. Totally staged.

We have awesome names, good job Dustin. Keep it up.


Yellow Vest Movement UK Gem stone @YellowVestUK
The MSM silence on the Democrats submitting falsified evidence in an impeachment trial is deafening but sadly expected.

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1 Response to DN: Impeachment Fails Big, Crowning Achievement of Dem’s Weekly Embarrassments & Scandals

  1. tonytran2015 says:

    I am looking forward to the show of Yearly Impeachnent of D.J.Trump.

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