@Stat_Guy: Hot news – Covid Survivors break new monthly records. Biggest month yet. #NHS England

Statistics Guy @Stat_O_Guy
Hot news – covid Survivors break new monthly records.

Biggest month yet. #NHS England


TJ @TJ0055
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
The government doesn’t seem to be acting on this.


UKMFA have sent an Urgent letter to Matt Hancock, Nadhim Zahawi, Boris Johnson, the MHRA, the JCVI raising concerns about Media Reports & epidemiological data that indicate that there may be a link between Covid-19 Vaccination & a rise in deaths & Covid-19 Cases being reported in care homes & in the elderly.  We are asking for an urgent audit & investigation into all deaths that have occurred in these cohorts since the covid-19 vaccination rollout began.

Click to access 601ffc3e56a64132caa3f42f_Open_Letter_from_the_UKMFA_Vaccine_Deaths_Care%20Homes.pdf



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