A decade in prison for lying about where you travelled? It’s laughable. Some have served less for murder


Moriarty 3.0 @MoriartyProfJ3


GW: What family?  Hancock seems to have had a series of ”Step” people in his supposed family.  The person????? probably came out of an MK lab somewhere & was then given to a series of  ”Steps” to be raised.  Just glad I can at least trace mine on both sides!

bri13*lfc @GanderBrian
Replying to @MoriartyProfJ3 and @MattHancock
Whatever wanksocks hotel is i hope the fire alarm goes off at 3am every single night. Then I hope someone feeds him the worst food he’s ever eaten. Also give the tosser decaf coffee so he can’t wake up properly Rolf Rolf Rolf


rayme, manchester, United Kingdom,
Every dictatorship throughout history has claimed measures are for the citizens own good and only temporary. Only later do they learn that they are a permanent feature of life.

Mike, Chester formerly Great Britain, United Kingdom,
The comments on here from people allegedly agreeing with Hancock and company proves how successful this Government has become ruling by fear. Hancock has lost the plot Shapps who has a seriously ill relative should not be anywhere near the decision making process as he is hardly neutral. Bunter needs to replace the pip squeak Hancock,and fast The Conservatives are going to get a beating in the local elections and it will be well deserved

GuilloRoutine, San Cullote, Gibraltar,
None of it matters – once all this guff is challenged in court the whole house of cards that is British” Covid law will come tumbling down. Within a couple of years you will see politicians admitting that most things were not actually legal. This is all bravado, a charade. All arrests are wrongful, so make sure you get the numbers of every PIod involved – everyone has to be sued. Force the staristics and science into the courtrooms of the land. Wrongdoing WILL be uncovered.

GW: The ”British” don’t have a Constitution & no national identity – England has Magna Carta & Bill of Rights.  Become a Card Carrying Constitutionalist rather than being ”British” which is just a construct.


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lee g , liverpool, United Kingdom,
a person in our town who rained terror dealt drugs to everyone he got 9.5yrs and is already in a category D prison after only 3yrs yet u can get 10yrs for this its pathetic

Took, Shire, United Kingdom,
For goodness sake shut up! We’re coming up to a year of house arrest and I’m yet to know anyone who has died of it. If it was that deadly then there wouldn’t be any covid deniers and I would know lots of people who had died from it and I have in-laws over 80. I don’t deny that it doesn’t exist, but I don’t think it’s deadly as the gov are making out. I’ve known quite a few people who have had it and it’s been mild. People are mostly catching it in hospitals and care homes. Both places are following strict protocols yet people are still dying supposedly from covid. A lot of things just don’t add up.

GW: The whole story sure DOESN’T add up & I am beginning to suspect Handcock of harbouring something very nasty underneath that shiny exterior.  Hancock shouldn’t be allowed to go to Cornwall because he has got a ”Mind Virus.”

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