Child-Snatchers-R-Us Basingstoke Chapter – 2 Year old targeted in Eastrop Park.

  • Mohamed Jarboui, 51, has been charged with attempted child abduction

GW: Incredible how these individuals just think it is OK to pick up children they have no connection with as & when they see fit. The child was only 2 years old.  There’s something wrong with these people. What type of society do they come from? Take whatever you want society.  This follows on from another report about an attempt on a 7 year old & another schoolchild last year.  In that particular case the bloke told a concerned passerby who actually rescued the child, that the child was related to him when clearly she wasn’t.

UPDATE 10 February 2021:

Girl, 12, grabbed by stranger while walking at Northern Slopes nature reserve on Wedmore Vale, Bristol, on Monday morning.  Her father raided the alarm at 11:41 am.

The girl has given a description of the man as being aged between 30 and 40, wearing a black thin jacket and black trousers. He may have been missing a glove.

Girl, 12, grabbed by stranger while walking at nature reserve

GW: How many weirdos do we actually have wandering in our parks & reserves right now?  Many more than we know apparently. So not dressed for the current UK weather either. File under Parasite-Predator.  

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