Am I the only person who finds it suspicious that Israel closed down their embassies all over the world on Oct. 30, 2019?

do you honestly believe that 30 NATO countries + Israel had knowledge of a “cataclysmic” infection

Israeli diplomatic missions all over the world temporarily have shut down as part of a strike against the Finance Ministry’s decision to cut diplomats’ expense stipends, the Israeli Foreign Ministry said.

“Due to the Ministry of Finance decision to violate agreements that were endorsed by the Ministry of Finance Director General and signed on 21 July 2019 and to enforce unilateral procedures on representatives abroad that change practices that have been in effect for decades, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is compelled to close all Israeli diplomatic missions abroad. No services will be provided to the public and entrance to the missions will not be permitted,” the statement said.

According to the diplomatic mission, the Finance Ministry leaves no other option but to close the diplomatic missions. The press service also expressed hope for a quick resolution to the crisis, Sputnik reported.

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