S4S: Bill Gates Butchered by Angry Italian PM | Idiot Boris Johnson Gov | What We Need to Do.

Sanity For Sweden – 7 February 2021

Here’s the link for the Italian Politician:


Lee Cullen
Morning Stefan you’re not alone mate there’s millions of us who don’t buy into this đŸ˜· or vaseline malarkey either, if I was a cynical chap I might think there’s more to our pub’s not selling booze than meets the eye. Have a great Sunday and regards from southern England.😎👍

Hereward The Woke
Alcohol is haram.

doc Kaos
They don’t want pubs selling alcohol because it kills covid then there’s the people talking to each other rather listening to the government bullshit

Melody Jordan
You are not alone. I feel that way living in a Democrat neighborhood. They are mental.

mj mayo
Loose lips sink ships! Also alcohol consumption is against allah’s wishes, they are trying to push islam on us under the radar.

Giaus Caesar
Political correctness is a means of control.

Rick Wipperling
Political Correctness is Intellectual Terrorism

Rusty Buckett
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it.” – Aldous Huxley

Steven Garner
Research FUNVAX mate, it’s real and in the pipeline now .. 🔼

Bruce Raggett
Caves of Steel by Isaac Asimov. 1957. Another author who got it right.

Patricia Dun more
Loving their servitude is already here in Australia, Western Australians, Victorians and Queenslanders are loving their lockdowns and curfews even voting back their Dictators. Go figure.

Bill Burnhope
@Patricia Dun more , voting them back in! that really dismayed me, what were they thinking đŸ€” Same with New Zealand! It strikes me that where ever large numbers of brits move to, they take their insanity with them!

@Steven Garner In the early trials The first repeating symptom: Profound Loss of the sense of God, Soul, Self. obviously the “media” gave zero bleeps on that.

Tery Wetherlow
Rusty: I agree…..perhaps ur theory has been where we have been living since the 50’s. The top folks have piggishly gathered as much as they could. Wasted as much as they wanted. Deprived the others their due….this will get interesting

Tery Wetherlow
@afrosheenix Sack ler’s should lose everything for this nightmare they unleashed on innocent folks…..and society.

Melody Jordan
@Patricia Dun more It maybe the voting machines are corrupt in Australia like here in America. President Trump won in a landslide. We did not want this cheating, hair snuffing, pervert for President.

mj mayo
Killing off the human spirit with a chemical cosh, they really hate the fact that we have souls. if you look at people who spend their days on tictoc and other rubbish they are pretty much there already withought any chemical intervention, it’s as though their brain packed it’s bags and left, lights are on but theirs deffo no one home. God help those of us who are awake, we will suffer the most in all this. Wouldn’t have it any other way though, God is my king.

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
The socialist political-media complex can only rule by fear.

and healthcare. and public school. privitized central banking. government. ngo and corporations. matter of fact, if people trust anything without verification, their lack of attention will likely find them deceived

Maybe all these ridiculous things said ARE TO WAKE PEOPLE UP, a pub with no alcohol!!! People have stopped critical thinking WAKE UP !!!! Italy 👍 GW: Slim Dusty already covered it.

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
The President of Tanzania also called on his people to refuse the Mengele-Juice.

COVID-19: Tanzanian President Refuses To Shut Down Churches, Said Coronavirus Cannot Survive God’s Presence

COVID-19: Tanzanian President Refuses To Shut Down Churches, Said Coronavirus Cannot Survive God’s Presence

Is that the guy that hilariously used the Rona tests on animals and fruit and they all came back positive?

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
@afrosheenix – YEP, and their Economy hasn’t tanked either since they didn’t play that game of Fear mongering, Panic-peddling and Doom Merchandising.

He also took 28 million from the EU for Covid Relief/measures and told them afterwards that there is no pandemic in Tansania. Some MEP‘s are not happy with him…lol!

Melody Jordan
I love the President of Tanzania. I praise him ever chance I get. He tested the goat, a mango and some other thing, gave them names and identity. They all came back positive. He said, “I will not do this to my. People.” We need more people like him.

That’s the real reason hospitality was closed, to stop people meeting and talking all the past uprisings happened in pubs and taverns in the past they know this it was a masterstroke on their behalf!

Chaz Jankel
@Eric Delf 100% internet control will happen! already happens in china and north korea!

didn’t the american government just prior to the great depression prohibit alcohol in much the same fashion? well, close down the speak easies bois, here comes the big sad 2.0!

robert parmenter
In the UK at least a 3rd of those juiced have had side effects. People who have already had China-19 tend to have worse reactions (why are they even being injected – clearly it’s not needed for them).

Here in the Netherlands all people i know don’t want the shot so i don’t believe the numbers 17% is a lie

Not in the UK Stefan said 14% I think 20% max.

Patricia Dun more
Gates spoke of the ‘final solution’. Think about that phrase.

Jessica Li
Talk about a Freudian Slip.

Melody Jordan
Gate’s father and Margaret Sanger worked together for Planned Parenthood. Evil. Evil. EVIL!

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