McA-TV: HATE Monger TALIB FAKE-Cries! Suicide Weekend Coming! Romney is PETRIFIED Of Q!

McAllister TV – 6 February 2021

Rashida Tlaib suffers total meltdown on House floor… Keep crying, girl!

McA: The thing is they i.e. Democrats – never stop playing ”the victim” even when they have apparently got what they wanted.  Lying and playing ”the victim’‘ and then lying again.  That’s what they do.

Comment: It just makes her look weak & unstable.  And she wants Israel dead just for existing.

McA: Mike Lindell’s movie ”Absolute Proof” is causing waves. I started watching it but it is 1 1/2 hours long so quite a haul.  But whatever you do people are going to say ”where’s the evidence” & when you produce the footage they say ‘‘well that could have been faked.”

GW: I agree.  Some people have fixed beliefs no matter what evidence is presented.

McA: it is quite clear that the country didn’t vote for this robot & they didn’t vote for higher taxes.

GW: That’s quite obvious from the size of the rallies for Trump before the election cf the ones for Biden.  I hear that a lot of the people with jobs & money are moving their families South etc.  We had rather the same here when they created that picture of Cameron in that barn ”supposedly surrounded by supporters” & when they tried the same thing with Theresa May.  Boy was S-HE unpopular.

Smartmatic & Dominion mentioned YET again.

McA: Why did you hide Epstein Island Mitt Romney & John Roberts.
DJT leaving office is having a positive effect on RINOs.
> Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds on Friday lifted coronavirus restrictions that had been in place
> in the state since before Thanksgiving.
If DJT comes back after March 4th, think they will go back to shutting down the states?
Georgia just turned bright blue, no republican will ever vote again after the stolen election. They just stayed home after the run off, why bother.

Robert Corbett
Talib and AOC should have never been a Congressperson.
Actually, AOC is a guy just like Harris. Easy enough to determine just by the head, but, I went by the college pictrues.

Robert Corbett
it’s a last ditched effort by Talib. What a weak person, crying like a child in Congress. Ridiculous bitch and the one standing consoling her.

Talib has to ‘read’ what happened to her.

LOL WWE wrestler Tyler Reks had it ‘tufted’

Who is Tyler Reks’ wife Priscilla? Former WWE star Gabbi Tuft comes out as transgender

GW: Oh my very word!

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