@Stat_0_Guy: There is a scandal brewing and the #NHS maybe consumed for the role it played within it…

Statistics Guy @Stat_O_Guy
There is a scandal brewing and the #NHS maybe consumed for the role it played within it…

bam @bam57581565
The NHS has been Common Purposed. Its destruction has been planned so that health services can be privatised. See document “Towards a Million Change Agents”

Dared201 @Dared_20
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
Two sides of the coin:

– NHS MRI Scan – Results 18 months later.
– Private MRI Scan – Results immediate.

Ashley Hinton @HintonAshley
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
My hope with that would be an NHS rebuilt on the founding principles it was created, not the bureaucratic religion it is now. Living in a country with universal health care is something to be thankful for, but that shouldn’t shield those healthcare services from criticism.

Samantha Lee @samlee100
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
Sadly our NHS is openly and purposely getting thrown under a bus here.

Allan Sundrie @AllanSundrie
It threw itself under the bus with it’s own widespread incompetence, it’s been exposed by this crisis!

Mariner Pete @Mariner_Pete
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
I’ve thought that they’re going to throw the NHS under the bus since the start. Once it’s died down we’ll be told it’s ‘not fit for purpose’ and the only way forward is privatisation. Never let a crisis go to waste.

Mariner Pete @Mariner_Pete
Nobody disputes that the NHS is run inefficiently with a bloated management structure. To me it looks like it has been set up to fail. Case in point the reported 50,000 volunteers who had come forward. Rather than giving emergency clearance they faced nothing but red tape.

G @Nene1111
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
Does anyone know roughly how much NHS gets annually? Btw 500-600 Billion? I’ve heard that only about a fifth of this goes to front line workers. Rest to private management. Any truth in this?

The Red Devil @TheMancRedDevil
Around £150 billion annually. More this year.

Phillip Bennison @p_bennison
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy
There is a huge price to pay for this scandal in terms of escalating personal bankruptcies, illiteracy, homelessness, suicides, untreated illness, public sector cuts and tax hikes. It will also harm both major political parties for ineptitude.

Ian (Free Assange) #aworldwithoutTories @tommousk
Replying to @Stat_O_Guy and @fallonseven
Statistically how much of the services provided by the NHS R done by private Co’s clinical+non-clinical?

Can I assume you agree that a universal healthcare system free at the point of use is an overriding benefit 2 our citizens?

It’s just a matter defining those services…

Statistics Guy Nerd face @Stat_O_Guy
And how they are managed

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