Ministers to seize control of the NHS in huge shake-up including powers to put fluoride in water, enforce junk food health warnings and tackle obesity

Health chiefs will be tasked with not only treating diseases such as cancer, but also helping to prevent them by encouraging people to become more active.

It will be complemented with separate measures to restrict junk food advertising and putting calorie labels on alcohol.

It could also give Government the power to put flouride in water to help prevent tooth decay, something only councils were able to do in the past.

GW: How much more cynical can this lot get?

Dental hygiene is all that is needed to keep children’s teeth in good order! Make sure that they can afford to visit the dentist that’s more important than putting fluoride – a poison actually – in the drinking water! Is it time to get a water tank perhaps?

Junk Food: Why even have junk food outlets on every dam street corner then?  Curb the expansion of KFC & McDonald’s.  You could easily change to healthier options if they were as affordable!  

Exercise: People have been told not to go outside and exercise by this ToriCon Shambles even though this very activity was the very thing Families were using to develop their children’s physical skills all along.  Tennis Courts still shut.  Give me a break!

sydport, Sydney Stockport, Australia,
Build back better? Food rationing, pushing us out of cars into bikes, restrictions on meat and treats. The Communist revolution continues unabated, under the guise of the green agenda #agenda 30

Peacelily11, Lancaster, United Kingdom,
So after abolishing Public Health bodies that had been underfunded for years, they want to create new ones. Why didn’t they just give the established ones the money to do a good job?

Amelia Cooke-Yursulf, Clown World, United Kingdom,
No alcohol in pubs… no water in swimming pools…. No burgers in Burger King….

GW: That’s getting us ready for our conversion to Islam?

Terryscapri66, London, United Kingdom,
Slowly slowly taking full control of our lives Can’t let this continue:(

SIM_0219, Near You, United Kingdom,
Compulsory exercise next, like they do in Ch in a, everybody outside at the crack of dawn.

Dennis, Neston, United Kingdom,
So many patients are catching Covid-19 in hospitals that a better start would be to deep clean every hospital immediately.

just_another_taxpaying_mug, Edinburgh, United Kingdom,
Flouride attacks the brain. No thanks

saywhatithink8511, Manchester, United Kingdom,
Try letting us out when we want, opening the local tennis courts, football pitches, opening the gyms, getting kids back into the play ground running round with their friends, taking part in PE. The government have made the obesity problem so much worse in these last 12 months! My local outdoor gym on the park even has tape round it, how pathetic

steelharp, London, United Kingdom,
Yet another reorganisation of the NHS. The first major reorganisation since 1948 took place in 1974. Further major and minor ones followed as the years passed. Anyone care to guess how many? I once tried to count them, because I had to teach students about the structure of the NHS. I found the task impossible, but my count reached double figures before I gave up. The costs, human and financial, were huge, but equally incalculable. Good luck with this one…

John Lately, Rugby, United Kingdom,
Somethings could be changed for the better. There always seems to be too many chiefs and not enough front line doctors and nurses. There’s too many health authorities with duplicate administrative structures. There doesn’t seem to be a universal IT system for patients notes which get lost with monotonous regularity. Drugs and equipment are procured at inflated prices by multiple procurement centres. Individual authorities are resistant to change and there seems to be little empires where authorities are jealous of their spheres of influence and move hell and earth to keep outside influence at bay. The NHS also seems to consume money at an exponentially increasing rate every year. Individuals are bound by their terms of contract and not willing to stray outside of them for fear of being sued so restricting flexibility and causing more staff to be employed than necessary. If anyone does try to change things though it could descend into confusion very quickly.

Anneli Belice, Newcastle, United Kingdom,
Natural fluoride is good for us, but what they use is byproduct of aluminium industry and main Ingredient in some rat poisons, synthetic fluoride linked to cancer, thyroid disease, infertility etc. Are they really trying to kill people off they are sick. Are the days when we are being forced to medicate, a la vakksines make us free and medicated drinking water? Certain camps 75 years ago used fluoride too. Where is this country going?people take your muzzles off and fight for your childrens future

Yorkshire0, Sheffield, United Kingdom,
Will scrap repeated tendering for contracts? would that mean the only companies that can work for the NHS would be the ones on the civil service preferred suppliers lists? If this is the case then the NHS will be spending far more money than they should as the list the civil service has is not every time the best or the most competitive price! There should be a local suppliers list in every NHS purchasing department where when possible local companies should be chosen to supply items required. During this virus one NHS bought desks and tables from a company in Yorkshire as they are on the civil service preferred suppliers list but there were 2 main local suppliers that could have provided the same goods and at a more competitive price in the immediate area of the vaccine centre! The NHS has to support the local companies and there should be no excuse for not doing this. And just about those tables and chairs not one contract was put out for bids and that’s not how to get better value

Lippy_Pongstockings, Cambridge , United Kingdom,
Ministers don’t need to “seize control of the NHS”. They’ve always had it.

Robinfan, Somewhere, United Kingdom,
The white soothsayer. Right. “Back in the day” But back then no-one was stuck at home by a crazy government, unable to exercise, play high energy fat burning sports, travel, work (which keeps many people fit) hike, go camping. No you had complete freedom. Just like I did. People have been cooped up and have gotten unfit and depressed because of this governments actions. Forced to stay in with no outlet for energy but fast food is still available. That’s NOT people’s choice, that is what the government decided was a healthy, clever approach.

The White Soothsayer, Las Palmas, Spain,
When I was a young lad there were very few gyms and very few obese people. I wonder why that was? Perhaps the problem with modern Britain is that they have all had it so good for so long that they no longer possess strength and resilience, and have thus become a nation of pathetic wingers with sloppy shoulders – it’s always someone else’s fault!

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