Britain in the ”forefront” of ”second guessing” – Part II – Yea Right. Boris thinks he is Churchill & Handcock thinks he is Matt Damon!

Now that 10million of the most vulnerable Brits have had their first Covid vaccine injection, and with the country on track to jab 5m more in the next 10 days, cases, deaths and hospitalisations are expected to plunge further.

As all the figures point to a subsiding epidemic, there is now a row over when the lockdown should start to be significantly eased, with some ministers and SAGE calling for cases to be squashed further before curbs go. Former health secretary Jeremy Hunt today urged Number 10 not to ease restrictions before getting infections to 1,000 a day — and SAGE advisers resisted calls to relax measures prematurely.

GW: Or are the figures being manipulated to ”prove” that vaccination is the only effective solution? Suddenly PCR Tests being run at lower number of cycles? Now Trump is out of the way Globalists can ease off?

Tophuggles, London, United Kingdom,
The Tories are looting the country.  

GW: You bet they are.  They might be ”second guessing” future CV mutations but not such crystal ball gazing re their stock options!

Dreambig26, Great Harwood Lancashire, United Kingdom,
I am not being a guinea pig. Stuff your vaccine.

Simon, South East, United Kingdom,
A new industrial revolution is unfolding. The more you look at things the more you see the future with biological wars, tactical attempts to gain super power status using and manipulating nature & man’s understanding of how to tweak this for economic and territorial gain, weaken the opposition whilst reaching out with finance and funding as China are doing and have been doing. This is all about control, and how to thwart the aggressors.

Gee_Man, Ipswich, United Kingdom,
What a world we are heading to. Wake up people ffs.

M. A. G. A, Wakanda, United Kingdom,
Offer received, offer declined

Sarkie, London, United Kingdom,
Another groundbreaking 8% effectiveness?

ZoomZoomBroo, London, United Kingdom,
Pathetic. Is this all this country can manufacture? Big pharma medicines that don’t work and cause more harm and fake viruses?

surreymac, surrey, United Kingdom,
Pretty concerning that the push is now to vaccinate the whole population rather than the vulnerable. Wasn’t it always about getting the 88 percent that accounted for all Covid deaths vaccinated. Suddenly it’s the over 50s, why? And now the over 18s? Do you get it? Nope me neither

Worker, northampton, United Kingdom,
…………………………………yes we need at least 4000 different vaccines to stop the lockdowns……………………………….

WideawakeGenX, Bristol, United Kingdom,
Ooo loads of money

Honest Hari, Radlett, United Kingdom,
Covid, covid, covid, covid and more covid! Sick of hearing about it. Most of us have got the messages by now. Hands, Face, Space and save the NHS. Aghhhhhh!

Bitcoin to moon, Bristol, United Kingdom,
Have a watch of the old CNBC interview with B G4tes, where he says his return on investment in vaccines is 20 to 1, he has invested 750 million into the Oxford vaccine, so he’s done very well out of it, there is a reason all studies into cheaper treatments were suppressed

BigTam Says, London, United Kingdom,
Better off with the Russian vaccine, well ahead of the little Englanders and currently being used very successfully around the globe, the little Englanders will clutch at straws to claim they were first to develop and use a vaccine but the Russians were months ahead.

Is_this_it, Up NORTH, United Kingdom,

Honest Hari, Radlett, United Kingdom,
Interestingly enough these poor nations have very little problem with covid. They’ll all have herd immunity by the time a vaccine gets there. Anyway, they can have my jab.

MrsArcher, Dublin, Ireland,
Britain has so much excess vaccine supply at the moment, they can offer the vaccine to random people who turn up at the vaccination centres at an opportune time, yet most other countries are struggling with supply to protect their most vulnerable. Why did AZ supply so much to UK and leave everyone else so short for now?

work_to_live_life, UK, United Kingdom,
Don’t worry everyone, once we are all vaccinated we can build back better. What is this new better? Vaccine passports, Tax Meat, Milk and who knows what else to try and control what people eat, ban cars to force electric cars on us which again will be unaffordable to many, take away gas heating and replace it with electric or heat pumps which again costs much more! Do you think the elite will struggle from these changes? Ofc not, it will be those who are not well off who will struggle the most! So who does the ”build back better” really benefit exactly?

Lebeth, East Coast UK, United Kingdom,
Good.. well done…had polio vaccine in 1959..and every other vaccine since.. had 15 flu vaccines. Shingles..pneumonia. even going abroad years ago you had to have a vaccine ..I’m still here I’m 70 fit and well..Bravo to the scientists.

Lommoncillo..well good for you.well done.

Evidence, Barnsley, United Kingdom,
You probably had brand new vaccines, they were changed all the time.

rm88, Manchester, United Kingdom,
The Blue Fire, firstly our deaths are on par with most other EU countries if you factor in population density, remember that social distancing is key, which makes density also key to fighting it. It’s no wonder that those countries who have done best are those with small populations and large landmass. Also economic wise, most countries are in the same boat, however the EU are struggling! Germany and France will be fine in the end, those poorer members will not do so well. The UK has benefited significantly during Covid from Brexit, two points – first we don’t have to contribute to the EU Covid Funds and secondly we weren’t tied in to the EU vaccine procurement.

Dunkirk 2, Calais, France,
The UK government has been urged to start sharing its vaccine supplies with the world’s poorest countries after new analysis revealed that these nations have so far administered just 0.1 per cent of all doses globally. More than 120 million jabs have been rolled out to date, yet 70 per cent of these have been administered in the 50 richest countries in the world, according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). In contrast, only 0.1 per cent of vaccine doses have been administered in the world’s 50 poorest countries, the IFRC said. Greedy Brit nationalists thinking only of themselves !!

kev, nottm,
@Dunkirk, we are no good to those people if we are all dead, a bit like medical staff, we need to protect them so they can protect us.

Poppinjay19, Londinium, United Kingdom,
@Dunkirk You put your own mask on first if you’re going to be of use to other people.

SJWpoops, London, United Kingdom,
Shove your vaccines. Shove your health passports. Shove your digital ID and social credit score. Shove your New World Order!

Happygardening, Newhaven, United Kingdom,
Shove off

BigTasty-91, Poole, United Kingdom,
I have still yet to see 1 compelling argument why at 29 I should get this vaccine. Other than veiled threats about vaccine passports, no one has made a good argument why it is best for me to put it in my body.

The Red Arrow, Somewhere over the rainbow, United Kingdom,
Negative from Scotland here imagine if they were independent now they would have no vaccine and England would have a hard border with no food getting to them and Nichola saying can’t they eat cake that’s your future think on that

The Blue Fire, Palumeu, Suriname,
That’s some hot nasty garbage. The vaccine blackmailing game is not cool, you sound like a real di ck.

macca123us, Aberdeen, United Kingdom,
Lol so you’re effectively saying England would lose billions in food exports to Scotland? If there was that problem (which is extremely unlikely) the supermarkets would build new warehouses in an independent Scotland and England would lose huge amounts of trade

David, Chester, United Kingdom,
Should get Starmer involved, he has a crystal ball.

Workingclasslad, Ash, United Kingdom,
He’s still forensically examining his genius Brexit strategy….

Private-Investigator, Midlands, United Kingdom,
Meanwhile the nurses keep on jabbing, the police keep on enforcing it, the media keep on deceiving, the people continue to swallow the guff and the web keeps spinning with them in it.

The-Analyst, Chichester, United Kingdom, 
Yet the BBC would rather we gave it all to others! Someone should tell the BBC others wouldn’t do the same for us …. They would look after their own! What kind of perfect utopian world do they live in!?

Xander the Socialist, Glasgow, Palestine,
Yet country after country is lining up to reject the Oxford vaccine. Boris couldn’t even order the correct PPE.

M1sej, Dunmow, United Kingdom,
So you think Boris orders PPE? People like you are why voters should sit a test before being allowed to vote

chrisamillions , Nottingham , United Kingdom,
We should be selling these vaccines to the world at a price to clear our national debt

The Blue Fire, Palumeu, Suriname,
Tory voter?

Skippers, Exeter, United Kingdom,
We are giving it to other countries at cost price. I think that is fair.

Isabel221, Buckingham,
No thank you, I don’t wish to participate in this trial.

Fran12, A Nice Place, United Kingdom,
It seems as if Britain is right at the forefront of the Great Reset and the whole Build Back Better strategy. Meanwhile the Covid passport scheme gains pace. Welcome to the new normal.

Vickytootoo, BOURNEMOUTH, United Kingdom,
If you have had the vaccine you will be protected from symptoms, however still get it and pass it on unknowingly to unvaccinated, so the vaccinated are a danger to the unvaccinated… not sure how your conclusion was the opposite.

DaveLF, Liverpool, United Kingdom,
I personally think anyone under 50 who has the jab must be insane. They’re extremely desperate to vaccinate all adults they’ve even lied about the deaths of Larry King and Captain Tom to scare the blind sheep and promote the propaganda. King’s wife said he did not die from Covid, Tom died from pneumonia, and old age… Ask yourself why they are so desperate to inject everyone with a dodgy mRNA experimental vaccine? No healthy person under 50 needs this vaccine.

Skippers, Exeter, United Kingdom,
The Oxford Astra Zenica is not a mRNA vaccine. You can request that one if you are worried about the others.

barbietone, london, United Kingdom,
Because he doesn’t know! Maybe he might change his mind when reality strikes unexpectedly.

DaveLF, Liverpool, United Kingdom,
Schwab said As Long As Not Everybody Is Vaccinated, Nobody Will Be Safe. Ask yourself why they are so desperate to vaccinate all adults. No healthy person needs this failed rushed vaccine. People still need to wear masks and socially distance after they’ve been vaccinated because it doesn’t prevent infection. You can still test positive, you have to self isolate. You can’t sue the drug companies if you have severe Covid vaccine side effects. ….

eagle369, flying high, United Kingdom,
143 deaths already shortly after the vaccine, as reported yesterday. But they were “mostly” elderly or ill already. No information on who died that was not already elderly or ill. Just coincidence anyway. I anticipate a lot of people will be dying of coincidence this year.

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