Rare ‘COVID arm’ side-effect leaves people with huge, itchy, red ‘bullseye’ and hives after getting Moderna shot – but doctors say ‘annoying’ splotch is harmless

  • Some people who have received the Moderna vaccine say that, within a week, they have a rash on their arm
  • The rare side effect, dubbed ‘COVID arm’ appears as a red and swollen splotch, that is often painful to the touch
  • Doctors say the rash appears to be harmless and will often fade on its own within a few days time with treatments such as ice and Tylenol
  • The side effect has only appeared in people being given the Moderna vaccine, but it’s not clear why
  • As of Thursday, a global registry only reports 14 cases but clinicians there are dozens more of cases that have gone unreported


”The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency has approved the Moderna mRNA coronavirus vaccine, the Department for Health has announced. The new vaccine works in a similar way to the Pfizer vaccine that is already being offered by the NHS.”

Handsome234x, London, United Kingdom,
Do these people know what they are getting themselves into? I wonder how many of these people will buy anything from Amazon with a zero star review, yet they commit their lives to the word of a government that has often lied to them again and again. Modern has never made any drug, NEEVER! Even the Pfizer’s and co have terrible reviews from all around the world for destroying lives and ultimately killing many with their vaccines. I have a question for you that’s so scared that you think the vaccine will keep you safe. Have you not heard they have come out to say there is no evidence that the vaccine protects you from catching or spreading the virus? Also, are you unaware of your leaders including Pfizer CEO who is 56 who have refused to take the vaccine, claiming he does not require it. If a manufacturer would not dare use his own medicine, why should you? The news media and gov have successfully paralyzed you with fear. Wake up and start thinking.

RidingHorseHarris, Missoula, United States,
Sorry, but I strongly disagree with any physician who says that breaking out in hives is a harmless sign! Hives are a sign of a nasty negative reaction to something by the body.

DMOMG, The Shires, United Kingdom,
The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is an unapproved vaccine. – FROM the CDC, so you cant sue in the US or UK … I’ll await their new vaccines in production in about 10 years times if it works. No details yet !!

Mavrick, Boston MA, United States,
Although the survival rate is 99.98% I’m gonna roll the dice and subject myself to the propaganda. Hmmm I’ll pass thanks!

Rodney Trollop, Bognor, United Kingdom,
When we were kids we built up natural immunity by playing in muddy fields and streams. These days kids stay in their spotless homes playing video games.

FatbIoke, London, United Kingdom,
Childhood leukaemia is rising along with other childhood cancers. Currently, this rise is thought to be caused by the increasing number of chemicals in the environment and not anything to do with immune system issues as that would not account for the rise in other cancers. Cancers are caused by mutations in cells. Having a “good” or “poor” immune system does not cause mutations.

Wales2, Wrexham, United Kingdom,
I get this after any injections, especially the flu vaccine. Take antihistamine and it disappears after a few days. Does get hot and itchy. And it’s not a sign of a good immune system. I’ve got a lowered immunity due to health issues. I believe it’s to do with allergies. I’ve gained quite a few extra allergies as I’ve reached middle age

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1 Response to Rare ‘COVID arm’ side-effect leaves people with huge, itchy, red ‘bullseye’ and hives after getting Moderna shot – but doctors say ‘annoying’ splotch is harmless

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