@MoriartyProfJ3: SAGE is being called out big time here – 15 February 2021 is extremely important folks.

Moriarty 3.0 @MoriartyProfJ3


Disclose.tv Police cars revolving light @disclosetv
JUST IN – New #COVID19 infections are down 44% in the US and 30% globally in the last 3 weeks. WHO experts are baffled about the “phenomenon” and say vaccines cannot be the main driver (Daily Mail)

4 February 2021: Why ARE COVID cases plummeting? New infections have fallen 45% in the US and 30% globally in the past 3 weeks but experts say vaccine is NOT the main driver because only 8% of Americans and 13% people worldwide have received their first dose


Moriarty 3.0 @MoriartyProfJ3
PCR cycle reduction anyone?

GW: And 10 Million in UK have been vaccinated [[[they]]] say.  The number of necessary Guinea Pigs for the Vax Trials has been reached now has it?

Eight Bells (#EndLockdowns) @EightBells4
Replying to @MoriartyProfJ3
“WHO experts are baffled” after reminding labs to lower cycle thresholds.

Moriarty 3.0 @MoriartyProfJ3
Not very bright are they…

JamesA @JamesAl93214642
Replying to @MoriartyProfJ3
It seems like [[[they]]] reduced the cycles too early for it to play into the ”vaccines having an effect” narrative.

GW: Said very similar yesterday re the Astra Zeneca.  Wouldn’t it be ”terrific” for ”Build-British-Brand-Back-Better” if AZ proved to be a right +ve sensation?  The ”British” would be seen to be winning again?  It’s War after all isn’t it & of course Johnson thinks he is Churchill & Hancock thinks he is Matt Damon.

Sandy Wurz F OFF GREAT RESET @SandraWors3
Replying to @MoriartyProfJ3
And closing the thousands of extra test centres that they’d strategically placed on every street corner before Christmas……

GW: No-one was going to empty test centres & the Jig was up because Activists kept filming this phenomenon – much to the consternation of tptwtb.  

Peter Talbot @PeterTa62356324
Definitely face masks no question. I wear mine to protect people from long Covid brain fog and it’s co-morbidities, like experimental Syringe . (Pint Beer – Wednesday today! Soon be Friday!)

lucid @lucids
Replying to @MoriartyProfJ3
Of course. Reduce the amplification cycle and use all 3 genetic markers instead of 1.

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