Demi Badenoch is reported to have declined to participate in a cross-party video of Black MPs encouraging Black communities to take up offers of coronavirus vaccines.

A Reporter for the Huffington Post, Nadine White, subsequently asked the MP to confirm or deny this. The MP made the emails sent by the Reporter public so that the Reporter then became the target of online abuse and nuisance phonecalls from the followers of the MP.

The Labour Party have since called for an investigation into whether the minister broke ministerial code, while press freedom campaigners have also spoken out against her actions.

Reporter calls on MP who published emails to ‘do the right thing’ and apologise

GW: Well, the Reporter surely is in the business of Investigative Journalism & Reporting – sometimes unsavoury things – sometimes done by fairly unsavoury individuals. This occupation has always had a reputation as a somewhat rough trade from what I was told. The Newsroom was said to be quite a chauvinist place in the past. I would have thought a female who chose to go into such surroundings should have had a thick enough skin to ride out a bit of controversy without crying?

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