Suddenly [[[they]]] ALL feel the need to ”Build Back British Brand”? Elections Looming?

So we suddenly have headlines such as:

3 February 2021: Wave the flag and dress smartly at the Cenotaph to win back the Red Wall: Labour urges Keir Starmer to embark on a ‘patriotic’ plan and pose with army veterans amid fears voters believe he ‘sits on the fence’ on critical issues


Clapathon @ 6 O’clock for Captain Sir Tom Moore the Brave ”British” Veteran Led by Boris Johnson

Marches75, Cardiff, United Kingdom,
Why do people still insist on clapping for the sadly deceased? It began in my opinion with the passing of Diana, Princess of Wales and has just continued unabated. It is a mawkish, unedifying spectacle and not something that should be associated with paying one’s respects to the deceased, whomever they are. Clapping has become an automatic response in the same way that instead of what used to pass for polite everyday conversation, said conversation is now peppered with “you knows” and “hi guys” notwithstanding “,are you doing anything afterwards”. Filler words mean little, the same applies to clapping, it loses its impact when people have been (a) told to do it like its 1984 and (b) dripfed it for weeks last year. Boris et al have hijacked a poor gentleman’s death for their own political grandstanding. Not only that, in direct contravention of their own lockdown rules. Don’t go outside more than once. Why are people going outside in the cold?

Jedidja, London, United Kingdom,
I admire Sir Tom very greatly and I’m sure that is the same for the vast majority of the British people. It was total silence in our streets and area tonight (in contrast to when it was time to clap for the NHS in lockdown 1 when everyone was clapping like a seal). I think the government probably intended this to be a galvanising piece of propaganda. They should reflect on this that people have had enough of the propaganda and lockdowns now. It’s time to get back to normal, with zero restrictions. I’m sure it’s what Sir Tom would have wanted too.

GW: ”British Politicians” of all hues suddenly at their most cynical best – better than [[[they]]] have ever been throughout this whole sad plandemic saga.  Suddenly [[[they]]] are united like never before?  Why this new found concern for ”British” values?  [[[They]]] have just spent four years telling us that we are all fools for wanting to leave the EU ffs.  Why are [[[they]]] now pushing ”British” togetherness when [[[they]]] have been only too willing to split England into regions in the past?  Would it be that reputations are now somewhat tarnished & that demands for an English Parliament are growing & that this is making [[[them]]] all rather nervous?  Graham Moore said that he was definitely ”over the target” in his last broadcast.  I have the greatest respect for Captain Sir Tom Moore but I think you will find that he was English not ”British”.

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