You Need to Watch This Before History is ERASED (Leo Frank Trial & the ADL)

reallygraceful – 22 May 2020

Find out how the trial of Leo Frank served as the catalyst for the inception of the Anti-Defamation League… ✏️✏️✏️ History is being rewritten, replaced with inverted recollections of what actually happened…even in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. Sources are always pinned as top comment. What the Media Wont Tell You –​ Subscribe For More –​ Check out my TopVideos!:​

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On social media, hate speech takes a dangerous turn The Leo Frank Georgia Supreme Court Case Records
A Lynching in Georgia (1977, mentions portrayal of Mary Phagan as developing young lady) When A J Became an Honorary Member of the Kay Kay Kay
The Leo Frank Case by Dinnerstein
And the Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank By Oney, Steve
The J in American Politics book (Mentions ethnicity of Frank Trial jurors)
William Cooper – The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League #1 (Full Length)
Roy Barnes Freemason
The Balfour Declaration and B’nai B’rith: An Important Backstage Role
Atlanta Riots and the Origin of Magic
Leo Frank Gets Second Look
Leo Frank Brief of the Evidence
Leo Frank Defense Theory: Mary Phagan Murder by Jim Conley in the Basement 100 Years Ago Today: The Trial of Leo Frank Begins Leonard Dinnerstein, 84, Dies; Scholar of Anti-Semitism in U.S. Man Who Broke 69-Year Silence About Georgia Murder Is Dead Infamous Leo Frank trial, lynching to be reexamined by new Fulton County task force Newspaper Photo Clipping of the Jury which Ultimately Convicted Leo Frank on August 25, 1913 in the Fulton County Superior Court of Atlanta, Georgia.
The ADL and KKK, born of the same murder, 100 years ago Struggling With Leo Frank’s Lynching a Century Later

Valentina Vardanyan
Hey Grace how do I get in touch with you? I have an idea for a collaboration find me on IG @valntin.v

Ariel marquis
bill cooper was trying to expose b’nai b’rith and other masonic outlets he had a show called the hour of the time

Ben Grey
Thank you for your excellent work. Always concise and informative. Make sure you archive/store offline. 👍🏻

Your content is amazing the ADL has infected every part of our lives through censorship, pc pushing, race dividing etc…its rotten from top to bottom well done on this brilliant bit of research your channel is amazing

Jeremiah 50:24 I have laid a snare for thee, and thou art also taken, O Babylon, and thou wast not aware: THOU ART FOUND, AND ALSO CAUGHT, because thou hast striven against the LORD. Jeremiah 50 versus 4 and 20 also 30, tells us it talking about the end times, (IN THOSE DAYS).

The snare that GOD plants is THE INTERNET, no doubt about it, THOU ART FOUND AND ALSO CAUGHT! prophecy happening before our very eyes, and really graceful being a part of it!! Also important is that there’s a snare that suddenly falls upon GOD’S people also, Ecclesiastes 9:12 .

Melanie Coldewey
With all the channels going down and or being censored, I was looking forward to seeing your next video. Of course, you didn’t disappoint. Thanks for all your research. love your topics, as always, Huggnesses and take care dear friend.!!!

ron oli
To need such a degree of control over everything shows extreme paranoia.

Would you consider doing an interview on my little channel??

Oh I’ve always had the utmost respect for ya Grace but now you’re just flirting with my heart. Damn girl, you knocked this one out of the ballpark! Your stock just went vertical.

Thomas Paine Revolution
I found the plaque. You can find it online under Leo Frank hanging. The interesting fact is, Frank was posthumously pardoned in the liberal age of 1986 for the reason that authorities didn’t punish or try Frank’s Lynch mob at the time. I’m confused. How does that make the man innocent? I understand the thinking of the Lynch mob now.

@Jen K Bill Cooper worked for [[[them]]] as Alex Jones does following Cooper. Look into it.

@camouflage58 That’s a fascinating interpretation! It does seem to fit right now. Not sure, however, if we are in the birth pangs of a new Great Awakening or the death throes of freedom before the Beast rises to power. Either way, let us keep our eyes on the Lord.

Kat M
They are putting planned parenthood ads on here and perverting kids.

The schools ignore the crimes of USSRtoo. Many were raped, kids were murdered, homes and family businesses lost. The fakejwelite also want a mix slaverace to pervert things, and one religion. They want to push even 5g on others but not themselves. They aren’t the chosen ones but are in reality the seeds of the fallen.

Andromeda V.
Do you do all of your own research or do you have help? I’m just curious. You are a great narrator and I know that you are an educated woman with a journalism background, correct? I am just AMAZED but the content you put out and the research that goes into it. That’s why I asked if you have help (I’m sure I would need assistance to produce the same quality videos! Lol). I think it’s awesome that you source all of your information, as well 👍. So many YouTubers have the “take my word for it” mentality. Love your work, Grace! Thank you !🙏✨💚✨

V Perez
Jen K Behold a pale horse ❤️

V Perez
@reallygraceful crazy “sons of covenant” Britain owns us and means sons of covenant in Hebrew. Question is what covenant? And with whom? Mary Pagan?

@reallygraceful please marry me. Sending you the ring via fedex ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💎

Kat M
@ALEX ON LIFE Check out Red Ice TV about ussrcrimes. Many know the truth whose family went through it. Truth will always be brought to light. There’s also a book called Hollywood Traitors.

@Jen K I wanted to love Bill Cooper also but [[[they]]] will never allow anyone to have heroes or leaders. Cooper was compromised. Some say he is not even dead.

Any “official” organization whose primary objective is to change or shape the public’s opinion about anyone or anything is merely a well funded group of propagandists pushing a self serving agenda.

Andromeda V.
V Perez pretty creepy connection 😳👍

Slim Pickins
Grace– AGAIN, a very well-researched, written and assembled video. This is an important thing, the learning of our own history here in the US– a noble venture. So we don’t repeat it. Thank you!

Prashant Chauhan
@Slim Pickins True, I have to research things that make a difference, She produces videos not solutions. If you want valid and striking information go to Aaron Kasparov [XXIV] and Black Pilled for the starters.

Veronica Apav
Thank you, really graceful. This is very intriguing.

Drew Cook
Was already subscribed to you but just saw a video by HighImpactVlogs in the which he was promoting your channel. So, here I am, watching this vid for the second time and leaving a comment. Keep up the good work and keep digging deep for the truth! It’s so easy to forget to leave comments or likes for the independent creators of these crucial and much needed info-vids but it’s currently our only way to let YT know that they can try their hardest to hide, demonetize, delete, etc channels like yours but that we will still find you and we will still watch you and we will continue to support you and others like you. Continue to fight the good fight and don’t give up or become discouraged. Things WILL eventually change and voices like yours will be needed! Whether or not it happens on this platform does not matter. If the Googs, YT, Silicon Valley et al don’t come out of their tyrannical slumber, they will suffer a similar demise as the ones before them and become extinct. You are the voice of truth, honesty, integrity and responsibility. Never forget that you have a purpose and never give up on that purpose.

Robby Turbo
Have you ever read the Jesuit Oath?

Zack Franklin
So are you saying that Albert Pike helped to found the ADL? Great video as always.

Sir Morpheus
Great job! @HighImpactVlogs sent me.

The ADL and many other jewish organizations are havens for Zionist zealots that use the Talmud, a racist, despicable book that condones sex and rape against non jewish gentiles and states that non jews are no more than cattle. I am not making this up, find a copy of the Talmud and check it out. I strongly feel that Leo Frank was one of these Talmudic fanatics with no more respect or regard for non jews as to that of a insects or fauna and flora.

Bernard Guy Nunns
Grace, you would do very well to do an interview with Dr. E Michael Jones. Godspeed.

Kimberly Bailey
Highimpactflix brought me here

Skeptik Cal
From Jakob Frank (together with Mayer Amschel Rothschild & Adam Weishaupt), they practised Satanic Sabbatean-Frankist Judaism which founded Zionism to take over Judaism... This created all its children, from the Frank murder to the ADL to the Frankfurt school…

FBN Flavius Broadcasting Network
@reallygraceful – Good. Now do one on CAIR.. The terrorist organization that’s a threat to this country!

john lewis
I’m a black man, but I disagree with your belief. I think Jim Conley was guilty of the murder. I think he killed Mary and first tried to cast the blame on Newt Lee, and then on Leo Frank.

Awake All Ye Nations
wow looks like you’ve been demonetized too hey

@Sandy Lee Jimmy Saville was a Catholic.


Mark Service
If you search on the keyword “Leo Frank” in YouTube, most people can’t find this video. I think the ADL censors who work for YouTube/Google don’t want people to see this video, but im glad it’s getting lots of views from word of mouth.

Mark Service
Google 100 reasons Leo Frank is Guilty

Truth Should Hurt
Hi Grace (I think that’s your name) we need more people drawing attention to the youtube video “Turning Hope Into Action V4CR” – youtube seems to be keeping the views down. If you have the time or the inclination, I’m sure V4CR wouldn’t mind you reposting the video on your channel to help draw attention the growing epidemic of child sex trafficking. God bless. Cheers.

Mark Service
one of your best videos, but that image of the jury was the petit jury not the grand jury.

Jeremy Ledbetter
To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize

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