What’s the link between Britain South Africa and Brazil = it’s the 3 countries where Astra initially trialled the placebo vaccine.

Officials will take swabs in Woking, Walsall, as well as parts of London, Kent, Hertfordshire and Lancashire


clashcityrockers, london, United Kingdom,
What’s the link between Britain South Africa and Brazil = it’s the 3 countries where Astra initially trialled the placebo vaccine.

Victoria0, Surrey, United Kingdom,
Can’t listen to anymore of this utter BS. Government are panicking because numbers are falling too quickly they wanted to spin this out until September then lock people down again. All part of the plan to destroy this country and build back better. I suggest you go and watch the n e w n o r mal documentary online. If you can stomach the truth. Our old lives are not coming back.

Tdimart, London,
The actions of this government border on insanity, now knocking on healthy people’s doors to be tested without any reason? This virus and its varients still mostly affecting the vulnerable groups which should be shielding or vaccinated by now, therefore healthy 99.5% of population will be ok. A year of this insanity with more and more rights and freedoms taken away! Surely in a Democracy we the people have the right to remove MP’s, Governments if they destroy people’s livlihoods, education, movements, locking down innocent healthy people is immoral. No one in any Democratic election voted for any of this violation of our rights in the guise of saving us from a virus which does not harm the majority of us.

StagLadinMansfield, Mansfield England, United Kingdom,
The Media slated Trump for calling it China virus. But its NOW ok to say South Africa & Brazilian Variant !!! More proof the World media are Anti Patriot.

THX_1138, Human Settlement Zone, United Kingdom,
Following a badly written script from behavioural psychologists. And something deeply sinister is happening with the control of information over this experimental trial vaccine. Care home deaths increase fourfold once it was rolled out. The public have a right to know what is going on. Find yesterday’s UKColumn news on ewechoob for investigation that is not allowed on the BBC.
Go to UK Column News Archive – Broadcast for 1 February 2021

Praxis99, Ilkley, United Kingdom,
And so it goes on and on. In advertising this is what is called a ‘product extension strategy’ i.e. as a product runs of steam a ‘new improved’ version of the same is launched. I expect to see more such ‘launches’ in the coming months to prevent any return to normality. Because when we do get back to ‘normality’ people will look around at the wreck that has been made of this country and quite possibly their own lives or those they love and care about and will start to ask lots of uncomfortable questions that are been back burned at the moment. The Govt knows and fears this (as do many other govt’s around the world) so will seek to put it off for as long as they can.

worldsgonemad2, Northwich, United Kingdom,
I always thought it strange this ‘super mutant turtle strain‘ popped up out of nowhere! they can tell us anything, they know we can’t prove otherwise. My gut instinct tells me there is some serious BS with most of what we are told

GW: Yea it popped up from the Sewers of New York didn’t it right?  Seem to have heard that Script somewhere before.  Hancock probably watched that stuff when he was a kid.

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