DD: Wow – [[[They]]] don’t like it up [[[them]]] – The Globalists & The British.


Daddy Dragon – 1 February 2021

DD: We want to know why are you NOT distributing the Ziverdo Kit to every chemist in England like India are doing. They are acting in a malicious way towards the people especially the English trying to destroy the English Economy.

BTW you also have Panacur which is effective against Cancer.

DD: The Isle of Man is ”Open for Business” and people are going about their normal activities without all the bullcrap restrictions. [[[They]]] are criminal & must be removed. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9209771/Isle-Man-lifts-lockdown-rules-pubs-schools-shops-reopen-social-distancing-scrapped.html

28 January 2021: Ziverdo Kit (Kills Covid (flu) in two days)

Ziverdo Kit (Kills Covid (flu) in two days)


Workers of England Union

Why the W.E.U is the Union for you?

Card Ccarrying Constitutionalists

Eenglish Democrats

”The English Media Group” is now on Twitter

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