DD: What Country is in conflict with China? India! Ziverdo Kit

Graham Moore “The Constitution is the Solution” @GrahamHmoore
What Country is in conflict with China? India! Ziverdo Kit


Risethefyrd @ernieharding59
Replying to @GrahamHmoore
They’ve shut you down daddy dragon. [[[They]]] don’t like the truth do they. The constitution is the solution.

Graham Moore “The Constitution is the Solution” @GrahamHmoore
Cure for Covid write to your MP and ask why we are in Lockdown? – https://mailchi.mp/99eb388a9710/cure-for-covid-write-to-your-mp-and-ask-why-we-are-in-lockdown

Ray Woods @raywoods
I’ve just been barred from posting to Facebook for 24 hours! Last time, on a different acc, they took me down for life. Obviously I’m not as effective as I used to be!
Why are people still dying?

29-11-20: ‘Only a one in 17 billion chance hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work’: medical professor
Hydroxychloroquine really works says Professor of Medicine Dr Peter McCullough, describing the treatment as “the most widely used therapeutic” to treat COVID-19 in the world.

“The chances that it doesn’t work are calculated to be one in 17 billion,” he told Sky News.


DD Can always be found @

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