Washington hospital finally releases the 74 year old woman being held against her will & going against constitution


Mary Tanasy – 31 January 2021

The U.S Constitution & Amendments: The Bill of Rights http://theholyface.org/Constitution_BillOfRights.pdf

The lady was kidnapped by the authorities all because she refused to take a COVID Test. Look at the amount of police & equipment deployed for one person. Notice they keep their cars running.  t makes them feel safe if they have to flee quickly.  This police force is psychotic. How much money is it costing Clark County?

Congrats Clark County you have gone viral tonight.

She is speaking the truth!

Joyful Fighter 
This lady filming is awesome and hilarious to boot! Those cops seem seriously like they are not human!

Johnny Exodice 
Too know why The Roman Catholics WORSHIP and Beg The Virgin of MARY in their Theology of Theories and FAKE SPACE Big Bang Black Holes of the FEMALE Vagina as Priest to Popes

where these MASONS say: THEY LIVE don’t stick their Dicks in our {WE ARE} PreTEEN and Toddler [children’s] sex holes of the WOMBman that makes we humans,

we can see the INSANITY of all FREE MASON {Lodge Members} and their U.N. Troops control of all our nonmason WOMBMEN whom should never return to {ANY Religion} on either side of FLAT EARTH cause here is what the Snake Blood Line,

and The USA EAGLE {Blood Line} actually “think” about Christ Jesus 1.0 that Mary was Fucked: by GOD of the [FAKE JEWS] Book of REVELATION old testament,

and the [TALMUD] Qballs~ /_\ teaches the same Zionist Jesuit BULL SHIT!!!!

The Society of nonmason “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…

The Rag Tag Rebellion on {Both Sides} of FLAT EARTH in our Share Celestial Sphere!!!!

The commander~ † ///|||\ Ω


To the German Romantics the androgyne was the perfect, “total” human being of the future. J. W. Ritter (1776–1810), a well-known doctor and friend of Novalis, sketched in his Nachlass eines jungen Physikers a whole philosophy of the androgyne. For Ritter the man of the future would be, like Christ, an androgyne. “Eve,” he wrote, “was engendered by man without the aid of woman; Christ was engendered by woman without the aid of man; the androgyne will be born of the two. But the husband and wife will be fused together in a single flesh.” The body that is to be born will then be immortal. Describing the new humanity of the future, Ritter uses alchemical language, a sign that alchemy was one of the German Romantics’ sources for their revival of the myth of the androgyne.


Now you know the Truth of the BLACK AND WHITE Flags with a Blue or Red Stripe…. MASON RULE!!!!

The Society of nonmason~ #JINX [{**}]

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