S4S: How Many Died in the US in 2020 as in 2019 | More Paranoid US Dems | Netherlands Had a Mass Coffee Drinking Event

Sanity For Sweden – 1 February 2021

Pinned by Sanity 4 Sweden
Rock Lover

Correct the same number of Care Home Elderly died in 2019 as 2020. The big difference was instead of a full year in 2020 they mostly died in 3 Months January to March to scare everyone it was a deadly pandemic. How did they “engineer” it? Simple, the 2019 over 65 specific free Flu Shot given to EVERY Care Home resident right across Europe, UK and USA and a well known phenomenon know as Vaccine Pathogenic Viral Priming. As soon as the previously Flu Shot Elderly got challenged by usually harmless Corona COMMON Cold their immune systems went into Septic Shock better known as a Cytokine Storm. The Corona Common Cold snuffed them out like candles in a hurricane. After 40 years of trying they gave up trying to make a Vaccine for the Common Cold Corona. Lab Ferrets given trial Jabs when challenged with the next season wild strain of Corona Common Cold ALWAYS died of a over reacting immune system response or Septic Shock/Cytokine Storm.

Mid March is the end of the Common Cold season and by the 19th of March the numbers of Care Home Elderly Deaths was declining. The UK Govment officially downgraded the pandemic on the 19th of March. Two days later SAGE told the British Government to make the most of the fear from the Care Home Deaths and Lock the Country Down. On the 22nd of March based on the Care Home Residents and Elderly Deaths they Locked us down. So one guess who funded the 2019 over 65 specific free Flu Shot.

Rock Lover
World Freedom Alliance channel Delores Cahill latest video explains “Vaccine Pathogenic Viral Priming” Delores is a Irish Lioness and she explains this well known phenomenon in a way everyone can understand using a Peanut allergy as a example. What if someone engineered you with a peanut allergy without you knowing. Could that same person sometime in the future then sneak you a peanut and what would happen?

Rock Lover
@James Morgan Start by figuring out who made the over 65 specific free Flu Shot. Then look who the parent company is. Then look who supported the Parent Company

The Slider
@Rock Lover Professor Cahill explains that PCR alone is meaningless as a test for “Covid-19” since it cannot tell you what you are measuring. So in October she sequenced 1,500 positive PCR swabs and ALL of them were actually influenza.

Rock Lover
@The Slider She did.. The previous 3 Pandemics of 1976, 2005 and 2009 all proven frauds simply high jacked genuine killer seasonal flu numbers. Dr Sam Bailey latest video proves they have still never proven Sars Covi 1. Many Freedom of information requests have yet to prove Sars Covi 1. So if there was never a Sars Covi 1 how can there be a Sars Covi 2 or Covid 19 ?. Dr Sam’s Mortality figures video is a must watch. The Women have always been the best fighters of the corrupt system because a Mother’s instinct is to fight to the death to protect its young. Women like the Icelandic Housewives of 2008 who easily defeated the IMF, locked up the Bankers and replaced their treasonous Government. Women like Jane Burgermiester who exposed Baxter Pharmaceuticals in 2009 and ended the Swine Flu fraud Pandemic and Women like Delores.

Mike Richardson
I’m not to sure who did it but I bet Satan will have a huge unpaid Bill for this person when he or she arrives at the Gates of Hell.

Rock Lover
@Mike Richardson Nice clues lol. “The Great Reset” have a saying all World Leaders use. 6uild
Once you see it….

@Rock Lover Ha never thought of that.

Jim Bob
@Rock Lover Well I can’t wait for it all to fail catastrophically for WEF.

Betsy Barnicle
Timed to tank the U.S. economy before the election. And also timed then to set up illegal mail-in ballot rules (like delayed receipt and no postmarks).

Rock Lover
@Betsy Barnicle There are clever people working out all the knock on effects of a fraud Casedemic.

James Morgan
@Rock Lover I follow Professor Cahill on brandnewtube & bitchute Alexandra Henrion-Caude and Dr. Judy Mikovits – plandemicseries.com – also have much to say on current events. Three very brave, intelligent and articulate women. 👌

I couldn’t find the 2020 figures for care home deaths. Where did you find them?

Rock Lover
@Thaifoonthaiger You won’t find them. They are included in every Country’s figures. Without the Care Home Elderly Deaths to scare everyone would they have fooled us there actually was a deadly pandemic?

@Rock Lover but I could find previous years no problem. Around 135000 for most years. I suspect 2020 will be similar but need proof.

Soylent Green
Hmmm Kind Uncle Bill, the PHILANTHROPIST that wants to CONTROL the population though clever 💉 💉💉 like in India.

suzy klitgaard
Dolores Cahill. A virologist I am subscribed to. Her channel and her work is TRUTH telling every step of the way. Thank you all for stepping up and bringing this information. I always knew the Covid19 was and still is a SCAM.

Rock Lover
@suzy klitgaard Hope you watched UK Column News 1st Feb today.. Wow

Rock Lover
@Andy Giabo They told us years ago.. Georgia Guidstones. It’s that simple.

Ford Prefect
@Rock Lover Vaccines have cost Sweden so much money in compensation payouts that’s why they call it the Krona virus.

Rock Lover
@Ford Prefect wow. 2009 Baxter Pharmaceutical’s Swine Flu pandemic Shot damaged many in Sweden. https://www.bmj.com/content/343/bmj.d5956

Colin Fletcher
@Andy Giabo The ones present are satanic and believe they win favour with satan by sacrifice. Hence constant war, satanic ritual abuse etc. The problem is that the same sick individuals own the pharma, banking and tax systems world wide, the money gives them power to buy their way to further power. They also use blackmail to control pedo politicians and use films of them abusing to get what they want.

Dan Harte
What did Mohammed Ali and Bill Gates have in common? They both developed a lethal jab

Rock Lover
@Dan Harte love it

Susan Theobald
@Rock Lover Would it also be too far-fetched to suggest that at one stroke, the experience and wisdom of the Elders was silenced, the Republicans lost 1000s of votes, and the states saved $millions in pensions?

Rock Lover
@Susan Theobald No not far fetched

J/ealous B/astards got my channel closed ugh
lefties don’t understand sanity

It’s worse that that, they did something bad and got away with it, they plan to do something much worse in the near future and are now preparing for the backlash..

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