RSS: Refugees are claiming PTSD Benefits which takes their weekly income to UKPDS 150

Reverend Simon Sideways – 12 October 2020

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What Refugees are given
Illegal immigrants or refugees living in Britain get a total yearly benefit of £29,900.
British old age pensioners who have worked for 45 years get a total yearly benefit of £6,000.

Nobody knows politics like POLITICO.

Snowie White
This can’t be right. Why should we pay for chancer’s making bad choices.

@Gideon de Jongh because we are not from the land of piss so there for we are second class whites in our own country 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

Northern Owl
Left wing Labour Lawyers fighting their cases tooth and nail

logan Walker
This situation is happening all over Europe. Official policy of the EU.

Binky Boo
Absolutely astounding and annoying. But typical of our government, we the taxpayers don’t matter. And neither do our veterans. But the illegals mean everything.

Gideon de Jongh
Correction you as native-born British don’t mean a thing and are only seen as ATMs.

The ‘illegals’?... surely you mean the ‘replacement, state-dependent, cheap-labour, voter base’ @Binky Boo?

paul henman
So all the the young girl victims from grooming gangs can claim this when they are older why not

Show them where the local job centre is surely, besides, nobody forced them across the Channel from the ‘safe’ country of France. I just don’t understand how this could be justified, given the existing benefits situation in this country.

paul dunlop
If this is true, and I think it sounds highly likely, it would leave little doubt our establishment is TOTALY complicit with NGO’s in bleeding us dry. If we don’t ditch the Lib/Lab/Con pronto, they’ll finish us.

English Democrats for me.

paul dunlop
@L B And for me as well “the Constitution is the solution” and their idea voiding the act of union would undo everything the British Establishment stitched the English people up with over the generations.

Dean Blake
I was thinking Patriotic Alternative, but i’m English, so English Democrats sound good…as long as they ain’t like the democrats in the US

paul dunlop
@Dean Blake are the Patriotic Alternative still just a movement or have they organised as a party able to stand in seats yet? As for the English Democrats think less US “Democraps” and more pro Trump, a constitutionalist party. As for the Brexit/Reform, party Nigel dose seem to go walkabout just when needed to see things through.

Marie Williams
They’re not refugees, they are fighting age men. They don’t understand our way of life or culture. They just don’t belong here!

Dean Fearon
we are paying people who have no historical roots or have contributed zero to britain, vast amounts of money and the government keeps it all hush hush it’s absolutely ridiculous

rob of yorkshier

fifthof seagrams
They have been for the last seventy years.

Welsh Ed
*British But, agreed anyway.

Marilyn H
Boris deserves the same finale as Mussollini since he’s cut from the same cloth. He’s akin to the radical Dems across the pond and a slimy traitor to the very core of him.

Mark Anthony
Let’s be brutally honest here folks. We are being Royally taken the piss out of by the Government, every immigration lawyer we fund by legal aid, etc The NGO’s who are coaching them before they arrive, so they know what they can screw out of us and the Government only see us as Tax machines and cashpoints (ATMS), while denying British people benefits who need them, raising the retirement age, etc.

Bosco’s box
We have homeless and elderly, and sick kids while these foreign scam artists are motivated by self interest.

a true patriots bulldog
For the last 3 years real english disabled people have have been stripped of benefits when it changed from dla to pip like my housebound in a wheelchair next door neighbour who now cant even afford a carer must be her white english privilege

Welsh Ed
*British How can you say English. Look at the flag behind him in the video. This affects all native UK citizens mate. The people of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland should unite against this.

a true patriots bulldog
@Welsh Ed because i’m not british I’m english i speak english not british i follow english law there is no british law britain us a political union between england and scotland not a country and judging by your thinking shouldn’t you be called british ed

Mike Coolsen
@Welsh Ed agree we the British intact all native European people should stand together, but the white dragon is an English flag, take care my welsh brother.🤚✌

sunboy cold
of course you’ll get called a racist if you even mention this..

Anne Phair
@sunboy don’t worry about it, the words being bandied about like it’s going out of fashion,

Kev Smithard
I’m not Racist…i just prefer my own kind.

@Kev Smithard Me too

Grant Woolliams
Who cares what anyone calls you… stand for what you think is right

Mark Anthony
It took me over 18 years of degradation at DWP “medicals” to finally get PIP for PTSD. But then I am a UK citizen, so the authorities are not interested.

Snowie White
@Mark Anthony My poor brother passed away from the consequences of PTSD. We begged for help, we got stonewalled because ex military single white men have never mattered to the establishment. I’m glad you eventually got something even if it’s nothing compared to the debt owed to our ex service people.👍

I’m the same, middle age white man denied any support other than via a quango who’s ‘pschologists’ are only RN’s.

Mark Anthony
@Snowie White That was pretty much what happened to me. I am an ex-serviceman, I applied originally under the old DLA system and was constantly rejected, it was only when I had to reapply for PIP last year and all my records went through again, that they took any notice. I have been in and out of the Psychiatric system for years and they only give you 12 x 1 hour sessions, then you have to reapply and go back to the bottom of the list. I was mostly left to my own devices. My last shrink put down on record that I am pretty much a bomb waiting to go off. However my situation is complicated as I am a lone parent Dad and my youngest (19) is still at home, but I managed to raise all 3 of my girls on my own (so they (DWP) probably had me pegged as “swinging the lead”, a scrounger, etc) ,while hiding it away (well mostly, from them). It was only the thought them being put in care, if I did something, that kept me and still keeps me going. Without me, they have nothing and no one and they didn’t deserve the care system, with its own threats of institutional and outside abuse, I wasn’t prepared to put my girls through that as well. So, I just carry on, trying to keep the thoughts out of my head as much as I can. For the minute, I grab my Bergan (rucksack) and take my brewing stuff for a cup of Tea, up into the local hills, enjoy the scenery and have a scream when no one is about. RIP to your Brother.

Anne West
@Mark Anthony respect to you ❤️

buff said
i’m the same a former squaddie. i have been refused again and again

I get PIP for PTSD. When i applied i was instantly knocked back, the assessor was a liar and literally made everything up in his report, the DWP backed the assessors report despite evidence from people way more qualified than him..he was a nurse, i had reports from chartered psychologists, Dr’s etc. I put in my MR explaining how the guy wasn’t qualified, explained it was all recorded, pointed out each lie and provided evidence to counter it, i got a phone call about a week later asking me to sign something, this was because i’d been awarded PIP but not yet got the letter. The system’s a joke im sure every single one of them is awarded with no questions asked. My experience was pretty tame compared to some i have heard about. The whole PIP thing lasted about 6 months, assessment, waiting for report, putting in MR, having it instated etc for me which is pretty short i have heard. I got awarded standard on both things, mobility and daily living for 3 years.

Snowie White
@Mark Anthony Bless your heart. Please remember when it gets dark that some of us civvies care more than you will ever know. Your girls will always love you, especially for your brave fight. I will remember you in my prayers ♥️👍

Snowie White
@BunnyR13 Too many brave souls pushed aside for ungratefuls imo.

John Stain
And the National Insurance numbers we were all given on leaving school into the workplace seem to mean nothing anymore.

Mark Anthony
@Closed I have heard about the lies from other people. Like you I recorded my “medical” and my daughter went with me and she recorded it too.

Snowie White
Closed That’s what they do. Photo copy everything and send it by tracker post, they have to sign for it and you can track it and get a copy of the signature, it shuts them right up.

@Mark Anthony I was told I was not allowed to record in DWP buildings when I got so frustrated with their ignorance and double dealing. I was told I wasn’t alllowed to as their are other “customers” there and their discussions have to be kept private. Have you noticed how well staffed with security guards they are?

Mark Anthony
@poppedweasel My phone was in my coat pocket, so recording only voice as was my Daughters in hers. When they called us in, we pressed record and left them in our pockets. I did notice how well staffed they were, with some rather large “Gentlemen” at the doors and desk, and the sneaky (discrete) cameras dotted around the waiting area and corridors. To be honest, as an ex-serviceman, I treated it as an hostile environment, so covered my arse accordingly by recording.

@Mark Anthony Really is good advice. It pays to be discreet about it as you wisely were.

artist 4 life Artist 4 life
I totally agree with you mate We appreciate your self sacrifice to protect our country. It’s just a crime how you are all treated by your own government. If you had a rag on your head you’d be treated like a king. This communist regime is shit. Take care and look after yourself mate 🇬🇧

ashley styles
@John Stain they meant something. Easy to track you for taxes…..

Realvibes Tracy
Why and how are the British People responsible? This is crazy especially as they wanna cut British people’s PIP 😡😡

Liam Ashton
Their days are numbered. The welfare system is going to collapse soon anyway…

It won’t stop unless the majority stop working and don’t pay taxes

I was stabbed up a few years ago and nearly died. All I’ve been told is “there’s no funding for your kind of PTSD”. As for benefits, WHAT BENEFITS?!

@Joan Davis Ah, if only I had that power Joan. I’d save you an awful lot of money and just sink em in the channel. As for invaders already here, there are gravel pits that need filling.

Send them all back, it’s the only way to be sure .

They won’t we will have to

Kevin Kirkby
Unfooking believable if true. Here’s me worrying I’m being bad taking universal credit after being made redundant – not any more. The virus has not helped, talk about depression yeh I’m trying to sort that. .

Justin Oakshott
Takes the piss out of every person in this country who’s paid their taxes. They did this to themselves. Takes the piss out of people who are born here and worked here all our lives. they come here and the government gives them more than the oaps that are gonna freeze this winter .

Stephen Forster
Surely not? If so it’s a bloody shambles.

John Riggs
Politico is brilliant. He’s believable and his research is spot on.

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