Where were you GovWatch?

More ”technical difficulties” GW?

Well yes – more than usual – but it looks like there’s still a back door into this place. It was the one hidden behind the bookshelves in the library & I finally found it.  Hmmmm. Wonder who else is in here?  Rustle Rustle Rustle Flip Flap Flip Flap Slam!  Whoever he/she is – must have just popped out for a cigarette.

Thought tptwtb were so secure about [[[their]]] NeoGlobalLibtardNWO-Bilderberg-CFR-TotalWorldDomination-Plan & that [[[they]]] were now all sitting around in [[[their]]] private spaces rubbing [[[their]]] hands with glee?????

Apparently not.  The censorship has gone super-sonic.  Kill Gates has had to hire an expensive team to prove to the GP that he is NOT in fact connected to all the crap that has been exposed in the AltMedia.  Various ”Conspiracy Theorists” have been proved to be absolutely ”on the money” & the latest Scandemic is looking increasingly ridiculous.

Right where’s Plan B then?

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