The Slog: COVID EXPLOSIVE: How Lockdown & NHS Covidaphobia caused the 2020 death spike

John Ward
September 30, 2020


This just might turn out to be one of the most important pieces ever posted at The Slog….if the censorious goblins get off my back, and sympathisers give the damning evidence that follows the best chance of going viral by alerting the maximum number of open-minded adults to it.

Let’s start with a simple graph released by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) that I’ve amended slightly to display the beginning and end of UK Lockdown:

The most striking thing about this graph is that almost immediately after lockdown commences, there is a huge spike in all deaths.

There is also a spike in deaths involving Covid19, but we’ve known for two months that Public Health England (PHE) overstated Covid 19 deaths by 23% (as a result of which it is to be disbanded); further, we now have the stats to show that deaths from Covid19 alone were a tiny percentage of all deaths.

ONS stats show how, of 6,700 extra deaths at home, just 203 involved coronavirus.

A HUGE PROPORTION OF DEATHS ARE FEAR & STRESS RELATED – the number of deaths caused by high blood pressure is up by one third, with the same rise seen in deaths caused by cardiac arrhythmias. Deaths from diabetes rose by 27%.

Medical journal The Lancet has looked in turn at how the strangulation of the NHS thanks to wildly inaccurate Covid19 modelling is also affecting deaths from non-virus related causes. This hugely respected publication notes:

‘Since a national lockdown was introduced across the UK in March, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cancer screening has been suspended, routine diagnostic work deferred, and only urgent symptomatic cases prioritised for diagnostic intervention.’

The methodology described below shows the thoroughness of the large sample investigation the Lancet undertook into what has really been happening:

‘We collected data for 32 583 patients with breast cancer, 24 975 with colorectal cancer, 6744 with oesophageal cancer, and 29 305 with lung cancer. Across the three different scenarios, compared with pre-pandemic figures, we estimate a 7·9–9·6% increase in the number of deaths due to breast cancer up to year 5 after diagnosis, corresponding to between 281 (95% CI 266–295) and 344 (329–358) additional deaths. For colorectal cancer, we estimate 1445 (1392–1591) to 1563 (1534–1592) additional deaths, a 15·3–16·6% increase; for lung cancer, 1235 (1220–1254) to 1372 (1343–1401) additional deaths, a 4·8–5·3% increase; and for oesophageal cancer, 330 (324–335) to 342 (336–348) additional deaths, 5·8–6·0% increase up to 5 years after diagnosis.’

This is quantitative support for what’s going on: substantial increases in the number of avoidable cancer deaths in England, deaths that demand a change to more realistic policy about this hugely overhyped virus.

The backlog within routine diagnostic services to mitigate the expected impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on patients with cancer has to be acknowledged for what it is: killing people with serious illnesses by allowing the media to go overboard on despicable Pharmafia alarmism for pure commercial gain.

Finally, take a good long look at the third period the ONS graph shows….where the narrative has had to be changed to cases from deaths, because deaths have returned to annual norms despite the relaxations since Lockdown.

I know that these data will bounce off the Klingon anti-force shields that protect the heads of Covidiots. But I genuinely believe that this post lays out very clearly that Government Covid ‘control’ tactics are neither working nor necessay: that in fact, they are killing people with fear at home and neglect in our hospitals.

We are making the most terrible mistake, and merely giving Parliament more of a “say” in the restrictions being imposed is pure deckchair rearrangement on the sinking ship. I watched Politics live today, and the brutal truth of the enervating experience was that neither our media nor our politicians are within a light-year’s distance from the core Truth. They blather on about systemics and Party points, but they simply have not grasped what the stats are telling us.

I try to add this plea as little as possible; but please try and ensure that far more people are enlightened by these latest numbers than at present….because the longer this charade continues, the more convincing the argument for forging ahead towards the economic icebergs will appear.

Thank you.

COVID EXPLOSIVE: How Lockdown & NHS Covidaphobia caused the 2020 death spike

Sheena Parish on September 30, 2020 at 8:21 pm
Denis Rancourt PhD – How they achieved the spike

Caratacus on September 30, 2020 at 8:10 pm
Reblogged this on caratacusblog.

Charles on September 30, 2020 at 7:37 pm
I agree completely, the govt response is a disgrace. They are still hiding behind fancy graphics. There is plenty of good science that says they are both mad and deluded.

ExpatLogger on September 30, 2020 at 7:36 pm
You’re right on the ball John, saying the media and politicians don’t have a clue about stats.

Apart from anything else, most journalists suffer from number phobia, they sweat buckets trying to handle figures much above 10, and swoon trying to count all the zeros in a billion. Politicians as we know are a different breed. The less said about them, the better!

How Lockdown & NHS Covidaphobia caused the 2020 death spike – Investment Watch – Female Investors Daily on September 30, 2020 at 6:49 pm
[…] by John Ward […]

Nobby on September 30, 2020 at 6:33 pm
I am trying my best to wake people up, but most of them are on sleeping pills,
That said some people are realising something’s not right. It’s the 16 per cent that will make the difference, but it’s hard work.

How Lockdown & NHS Covidaphobia caused the 2020 death spike – Investment Watch | Global Corp News on September 30, 2020 at 6:31 pm
[…] by John Ward […]

tonyopmoc on September 30, 2020 at 6:22 pm
I won’t argue with any of your main points here, except one. First of all, very early on in January, I actually thought I had COVID, before any of the main propaganda had kicked in. It was like a mild flu, which weakened me and stopped me going out much for 2 or 3 weeks, but was nothing like as serious as a real flu I have had 2 or 3 times in my life. With real flu, it is extremely difficult to get out of bed to make the loo. You have no energy whatsoever. By February, I was literally telling people in the pub, that I think I was one of the first to have it, but that it was nothing serious, and i was joking about it. By this time the propaganda was building up, but almost everyone was carrying on their lives as normal.

By the end of March, when the lockdown was really kicking in, I realised the situation was very much more serious, than what all the evidence I could find and analyse (I used to be a professional analyst). Whether COVID was any different from any normal flu (which changes / mutates almost every season) didn’t really matter. The propaganda, was becoming extremely intense, yet all the available statistics demonstrated quite clearly that the death rate from all causes, had not increased at all. In fact less people were dying in February and March than was normal compared to almost every single recent year.

This meant to me that something else was going on. It then became obvious that almost every possible death in almost every case was being classed as COVID – even in people who were very old and had multiple serious other diseases. Someone at an extremely High Level above Government, had decided to ramp up the numbers of deaths by COVID far beyond any Reality. At the same time as this, The Propaganda reached by Far the most extreme levels of anything ever seen anywhere ever.

So something else was going on. I saw what was going on in India, with the panic there resulting with vast amounts of food rotting away in the fields uncollected and not distributed, and similar things were happening in the USA, with people running away from meat processing plants.

So I thought, bloody hell, that ridiculous theory of a New World Government, controlling everything and aiming for a Massive reduction in The World’s Population is coming true. They are going to try and starve us to death, cos the virus itself is pretty harmless. So I thought the supermarkets are soon going to run out of food, so I bought myself a Rotavator, and started digging up my Garden to grow much more food. My wife thought I was mad, but she’s long known that anyway, and was pleased to see me get a bit more exercise than normal.

I was amazed the supermarkets have not yet run out of food. However it’s early days yet, and I still think they will, particularly if we get a very severe winter.

So the point I disagree with you about, is this thing is not about the virus, and that those in control (whoever they are – and I suspect it is not at the Boris Johnson Level) are NOT making mistakes with regards to poor analysis of Statistics. [[[They]]] are doing it Deliberately, and [[[they]]] want to do far more than control us at the George Orwell 1984 Level, [[[they]]] really do want to first send most of us mad, and then kill most of us off.

All the indications are that [[[they]]] will succeed.

This photo, straight out of the Film 1984 tells you everything you need to know. At first I couldn’t believe it was real. I thought it must be a photo shop, but it is very real indeed.


hybrasilian on September 30, 2020 at 6:12 pm
Despite Joe Bloggs being largely cowed I’m seeing increasing ‘ankle-tapping’ of the regulations going on. I thought I would go on a mask-less test run of various retail outlets and see how I go. Most are about 50% mask wearing but encouraging is the total lack of security intervention – one guy stood at the door even gave me a wink a wave. I went to a leading Swedish furniture supplier and made a B-line for the guards – not a sausage. One leading supermarket had the mask wearing poster on an A frame outside. Facing out was an advert for autumn fruits, the mask edict was facing into the wall. It is millions of such interventions that will defeat this.

Horseman on September 30, 2020 at 5:33 pm
seems to me the ONLY news channels reporting real news is this one

Horseman on September 30, 2020 at 5:26 pm
As far as all world Governements are concerned the MORE deaths from whatever cause is a bonus for them. They are after all under instructions from a higher authority than them. They are no more than puppets. Time the Sheeple realised this, and act accordingly.

Galene77 on September 30, 2020 at 4:46 pm
This ongoing shamdemic/COVaids charade has to continue till the majority of Brits, Canadians, Yanks and northern EU citizens crumble, bend the knee and capitulate to the Davosite/WEF/Oligarch/GloboCap/Gates hatched GREAT RESET plan.

This can only happen if the lies and fear mongering keep escalating, and any reasoned dissent is boot on face crushed, fully cleansed away from dominant readership MSM website forums and social media spaces.

BTW for a valid virus update review watch Dr. M here:

Attenborough’s recent doom-porn-doc ‘Extinction’ heavily laboured the fake connection that biodiversity loss lead to the COVaids plague rather than the truth that a gain-of-function CRISPR play Wuhan lab leak led to the destruction of our lifestyles as we all knew them.

That’s the current problem for our ruling overlords, the truths don’t actually fit with their RESET agenda.

So what comes next few months? Increasingly it will be linking COVaids to climate change and an alluded to better universal global health being the drivers for our continued house arrests and enslavement.

As to safe corona Vaccines?

Don’t bet your families health on it.

DevonshireDozer on September 30, 2020 at 4:11 pm
“It is easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled”. I think that was Mark Twain, but I have been bashing my head against a brick wall on this issue. Neighbours, friends, relatives – they’ve swallowed the propaganda without question.

Anybody of my age or younger will have spent at least 10 years at school, but I reckon I’m the only bugger to have stayed awake during the maths & science lessons. You don’t have to be that clever to look at the numbers & see that we’re being lied to in a massive way.

The climate change bollocks was just a warm up. And the smoking ban was a pilot programme for imposing behavioural change and invoking ‘The Law’ to reinforce it.

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