We Got A Problem

It’s Tony Blair’s fault that most of them are here in the first place, with his open door policy…….. He and his mafia wanted to change this country beyond recognition……… and he succeeded ☹

AJ 64
@Paul S And his low life side kick JACQUI SMITH the one who had to resign when she was exposed for claiming expenses for adult movies and having her house decorated by prisoners on day release. The vile cow is still making regular appearances on GMTV. The bitch has no shame !

Juice Ter
@Steve White blairs wife supports the ira too. Look at what blair did in office. Do you think he doesnt too? Remember all the pardons he issued whilst allowing our soldiers to be vilified in the courts over bloody sunday? He should be hung as a traitor. Oh and he converted to catholicism after he left office. Hes an anti british globalist.

Steve Cowdell
Do something worse than hanging, stop them and their families claiming benefits.

Iain Adam
Amen to that.

mark bogacki
The Problem is Cherie Blair’s legalistic Frankenstein’s Monster ” The Equality ( Protected Groups ) Act 2010 “ which must be repealed since it is contrary to all existing law yet claims primacy for enabling injustice .

Totally agree with you. It should be called ‘The Animal Farm Law’, as in ‘some are more equal than others’.

Bill Payer
Have you seen Cherie Booth’s sister Lauren Booth? Tony’s sister-in-law.. I saw her hijab on, Al Quds day, spouting Islamic unity against the enemies of Islam…WTF is going on? https://images.app.goo.gl/ZW2cUSz7QQbWg8XE6

albert speer-bear
Figures a woman pushed it through. White woman with a few weak men will be the downfall of the western world.

phill mitchell
@Bill Payer Cherie Blair also advised her father, actor Anthony Booth also a very hard left socialist to move to Ireland to avoid paying UK tax

Peter Grahame
Pakistani MUSLIMS, Pakistani Christians do not get up to this, not a cultural problem but a religious one

Wendy Hustler
Peter Grahame Absofuckinglutely!!

What about slavery that still existing in Pakistan & carried out by Muslims?

Juice Ter
I know a pakistani christian. They are killed in pakistan… for not being muslim. The religion of peace huh?! I don’t mind these people being here because they are persecuted in their own country. They also integrate with us and we are a christian country. I wonder why muslim immigrants flock here when they could go to a nearer rich muslim country say, saudi…

Ron Pearson
Face some facts, Pakistianis, are 70% population-wise inbred. 1rst cousins, 1rst cousin etc

Edward C Tullis
incest in islam

Roger Haspeck
they bang out a third of the special needs kids in the UK every year…. lifelong healthcare at taxpayer expense… consanguinity, also produces mental health issues..

Arthur Wellesley
First reported abuse in 1997. For 20 years ignored by the PC leftists in the Police, Council and Government.

disgraceful, bet [[[they]]] are sitting on fat pensions now too.

Chad Thundercock
Arthur Wellesley it happened even earlier than that I was in children’s homes in London in the early 90’s, all the girls had pakistani boyfriends who gave them drinks and drugs and some of the girls where as young as 12

Rebecca Wrongdaily
All supported and condoned by their local Labour Party-controlled Council and Police for decades in exchange for Muslim votes. You know it I know it anybody without a criminally warped socialist mind knows it. The tragedy is it certainly continues today.

mark bogacki
The monsters who allowed this should be punished too. Mrs Harriet ” consent of a child over ten “ Harman gave some advice when she was Tony Blair’s Solicitor General and Lisa Nandy knows something about Home Office legal guidance on legal consent and ” factual consent “.

sensible driver
I think the police and social services are every bit as bad at these scum.

Winston Footlong
The police should only recruit from the British army. The police job role should be a given to all military personnel leaving the forces.

Mesolithic Man
I’m sure David Lammy will be keeping quiet about this.

gerard burton
@Mesolithic Man and Tony Blair.


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