S4S Part iii

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Steve Holmes
We are winning and it’s been a long fight but the war is still not won so we continue to fight until that war is won never give up

Eric Delf
Then fight the next one.

Steve Holmes
@Eric Delf i will – i fought for my country England anyway so used to it this is a different type of fight but i would say just as hard

eric Rotermund
They can’t control us anymore

Jonathan Schearer
@eric Rotermund Exactly, [[[their]]] worst nightmare is that people would figure out [[[their]]] intentions before [[[they]]] had full control. So thirsty for power [[[they]]] tried to turn a trading relationship into global governance.

Or live off us

Gerladine Kelly
Hope you’re right Ireland not looking good 🇨🇮😥

eric Rotermund
Media is always hiding the news – where is that lunatic shooter’s manifesto I looked everywhere I don’t understand the harm in seeing the evidence against these criminals. I don’t support offensive violence but even a broken clock is right twice a day. I did find a supposed partial transcript indicating the hanau killer was a victim of a robbery while working for a bank? Is this true. I only seek truth.

david weatherhead
@Gerladine Kelly no hope for the Emerald Isle unfortunately. Massive pro EU. get ready for a tax increase to cover the eu budget black hole

david weatherhead
@eric Rotermund – uk citizen here the U.K. mainstream media have a complete black out about what’s happening on the continent. YouTube the way forward

Gary Chance
@eric Rotermund the guy is a hero to his people, they had enough of the injustice in his land. no doubt him and his mother witnessed the whole of the community they loved get torn apart by the raiders. Watched his women and kids get abused without any help from the laws.

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