S4S Part ii

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kafka kitty
As far as these leftist politicians go, the only way they could ‘get anywhere in life’ was to sell out their own fellow countrymen, and then rake in the blood money that they get paid to lie for.

Randal Glyph
@kafka kitty. They all have the same sordid little playbook. Ignore the disturbing little stains and smudges on the cover. Just better not to ask what they had to do to earn it.

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
@Randal Glyph – I’m sure if you could lay Hands on such a “little” Book, it would be a Blockbuster not even Hollywood in its heydays could have come up with

Randal Glyph
@Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard I bet you that before the FBI raided Epstein’s Island and cleared out the tunnels, there were lots of detailed documents implicating the Clintons, Prince Andrew, and others, they made sure to destroy.

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
@Randal Glyph – A BET, I wouldn’t bet against.

jennifer kosco
@Randal Glyph and, wonder if the agents are still alive.

John Schofield
It’s great to hear that the EU is arguing and back biting over who is going to pay the UK’s share BUT if the UK got back nearly as much as we put in (as we were told by some mp’s) then there would be no shortfall Makes you think the UK has been supporting the EU with our money No wonder they didn’t want Brexit

Mike H
If being a member of the EU was of any material benefit to the UK, John, the EU wouldn’t want us anywhere near it. We are just a cash cow to them with the added bonus of having our seas pillaged by their fisherman. I was born and live in an ex fishing town and the story doing the rounds in 1973 was that the ink was still wet in the paragraph that signed our fishing rights over, by the traitor (amongst other things) Heath!

Donna Swiniuch
Wish they would hurry up the collapse. Poland and Hungary should be out...they’re on their feet with nationalism and good economies. This is annoying to America...trade is easier with Nations than having the EU poking around with their silly requirements and fees. It’s also easier to arrange trade with individual countries than an overseeing group that gets in the way. Europe, get going, you’re losing money and freedom.

stephane paulin
Let it die . No pitty. Globalism is over.

Pennar Pete
Globalism/nwo, has scarred the whole of the Westernized world, it is far from over, as it has moved on; using the multicultural race card, destroying our cultures and nation states. The indigenous peoples of my beloved country, (England), are now treated as if we are scum and need to be rid of in our own country! The EU is at the center of all this in Europe and Merkels’ open door policy was planned; it is still going on, gaining strength as we, (and the Westernized world), weakens.

Count Kirk
The “Russian” bot theory was disproven over 2 years ago.

James Hamilton
Careful. If you say that, you are a Russian bot.

Patricia Doran
Much more than 2 years, disproven along with the “evil dictators al Assad and Vladimir Putin” lies…….

Susie Wood
The fact that people still think that man made climate change is the problem with our climate is very sad. Look at history and the solar cycles. The hubris of mankind is limitless, yet we are nothing against the power of mother nature.

John Doe
turned out western europe also hv political prisoners, for disagreeing with the left.

Randal Glyph
Tommy Robinson being the best example of someone jailed for thought crimes against the Leftists. Big Brother Is Watching You!

Trunk McEight
“Merkel’s and idiot” = 5 years in the slammer. Hold a public event to discuss the emergent communist regime, get severely assaulted by state sponsored militia Antifa… It’s 1930 again, but this time the socialists are not nationalist at all…

Gary Chance
Kindness is weakness, compassion is weakness. Tolerance of the weak dooms our people to Extinction. This is the UK, being suffocated by weak leaders, TV and MSM that wants to spread more weakness in the mind. Look at what kindness has brought into the UK, our own people are suffering whilst raiders run rampant in our lands. Our people are divided because we no longer have communities, we have streets that are full of non native individuals that discourage unity. We no longer have security where there was once safety, the suicide rates in the UK are as high as they have ever been. We are not happy, stop saying “diversity is a strength” because all the evidence prove the exact opposite is true. Stop saying a multicultural society is a good thing, stop believing it and start looking at the facts. Pros vs Cons, when a person does that they will see the truth without a need for others to persuade them. It is ok to be White

Saxon Stacker
Spot on.

Trunk McEight
Get to know your neighbours. Where I am, we regularly chat or go to each others homes for a dinner or a few beers… It’s surprising how fast politics disappears from mutual assessment in this situation, having good fences makes the cohesion even stronger…

Randal Glyph
@Gary Chance. Compassion isn’t the problem, its a good thing, but only if it’s reciprocated. If islam views all others as prey to be raped and enslaved, you cannot allow them in your borders. Once inside, they need to be deported. Qualityculturalism = Get rid of low IQ people, and bring in the smart ones – they BUILD societies and invent things.

Eric Delf
Weakness invites (deserved) contempt. (edited)

The key to success is sincerity. Once you’ve learnt to fake that, you’re made. Now we’ve all seen through the fake EU sincerity.

Patricia Shaw
Be proud of yourself Stefan you are doing a great job love and respect to you from South Wales Uk.

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