S4S: GROWING CONFLICTS in BRUSSELS – Globalists on the Defence / Another AL GORE Prediction Failed

Sanity for Sweden
21 February 2020

”The Globalists are in trouble. We are fighting on their side of the court now.”

Justice is Right
@Gary: yes it’s a sick world we live in when people can be imprisoned for “hurty words” yet child rapists are protected by the establishment.

jimmy s
@david weatherhead 99% of students for a start. anyone connected to the left.

Wayfaring Flo
I recently quit working for a FTSE 50 company as the company’s ethics reminded me of how the Nazis behaved during WW2. I’ve never seen thousands and thousands of people be so scared at work before. Men and women scared to say ‘no’, scared to question, scared to stand up for their rights at work, scared to expose corrupt/useless workers and managers etc. However I did all of those but of course I paid the price of no longer having a job BUT how TF would anyone in their right mind want to work under such circumstances and not at least try to make a change for the better? People are so spineless today and will sell their soul to the devil for a few material items. Their Egos rule, men and women. They have no clue about truth. They think the bigger house or shiny car will give them happiness. It never does, that’s why the distraction cycle of buying more stuff and keeping busy doing stuff will NEVER end with those spineless types. What’s even more sad and shocking are these spineless people come to love their slavery. The amount of cognitive dissonance or Stockholm’s syndrome makes my mind boggle…lol. As one said to me “…I like my life..I like my house…”, after I had asked if he ever questioned the never ending cycle of having to work and pay taxes just to by things? He really did not understand the question, in fact he struggled so much the conversation dwindled. He couldn’t critically think. This was a degree educated engineer. The brainwashing at work in the UK today is unbelievable. The Sheeple are everywhere. IMHO many of the men at this company I would class as ‘eunuchs’. The men choose to put a job and materialism above being a man and standing up for their natural born freedoms. Same goes for the women at this company. It was like the Stepford Wives and Men. A lot of the Management behaved like Nazis (silencing if you asked questions, ganging up against you, if you stood up for your rights at work, telling lies/propoganda etc). The Egos of a lot of the Management were huge, however, I have never succumbed to being impressed by what people own or what degree they may have, and this seemed to annoy a lot of management. In fact what they did not realise was that I couldn’t give a $hit about whether I had that job or not. And this gave me huge power over them. Note I always acted with integrity and spoke the truth, no matter the consequences. But companies like this do not want anyone with a mind of their own. They want ‘order followers’, ‘useful idiots’, psychopaths/narcissists. (edited)

Eric Delf
@Wayfaring Flo Have less, do less, be less, relax enjoy.

Gary Chance
Free men and women have the right to say what they like regardless of who is offended by it, the fact that this is now being impeded by laws and prioritised over serious physical crimes on native children/women (the future of the UK) is very serious. Weak kids can no longer withstand name calling, they no longer know how to fight/think for themselves. They are a burden on the rest of the country and leads to its own demise. As Europe is seeing now, as the UK has seen since before 1980. Weak castrated “men” that even women cannot be attracted to hence the falling birth rates. The facts are all there, get out of your safe zone and see for yourself. (edited)

Wayfaring Flo
@Eric Delf Yes..that’s what I intend to do, and I’ll watch the real life movie of order followers, and sit and smile to myself. I used to be one of them…thank gawd’ I awoke. Happy days.

Trunk McEight
@Wayfaring Flo People in the machine can’t see it’s broader mechanics I guess… The Gillette ad and recent SAS add were signals. The signal meant “we will gladly wipe out 7 Billion in profit to prove our ideological imperative”. [[[They]]] are signalling bankruptcy is preferable to ideological nonconformity. What does that in turn, inform one regarding the coalescence of Big Money and political ideology? Yup. We’re there again. The emergent communist regime in Europe, and indeed the western world are forming up, huge companies competing politically rather than economically for a future stake in the regime’s supply chain. The socialists are back, but this time sans nationalism. How does liberty remain under such a vast umbrella of compelled conformity?? Then the nCoV virus happened…

Kate Shermon
@Wayfaring Flo When I left work (lot poorer but happier) I had a cake made with Dolphins flying out of it with the words ‘Goodbye and thanks for all the fish’ – hitchikers guide to the galaxy – that made me smile – only one person got it and said very naughty. For those that don’t know hitchhikers, the dolphins left earth just before it was blown up for a super space highway. That was a good day.

It is not only because of weak soyboys even though i agree with you that biology rules. It is also the fact that feminists make every young woman to believe that children are bad news for the climate and that they should focus on temporarily sexual connections rather than having a real relationship with one man and start a family. There will be a lot of 50-60 year old women in the future that regret that they never will have children or grandchildren.

Wayfaring Flo
@Trunk McEight I have just watched the adverts. I would not have picked up on what you suggest about bankruptcy! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I merely saw these adverts as ‘virtue signalling’. A bit like the Christmas Adverts since around 2 years ago where all companies except for Marks and Spencer’s? were and still are virtue signalling. On the surface these adverts look all fuzzy and warm…aaahhhh…but what the New World Order (NWO) group are doing behind the ..’aaahhhh’ in these ads…is in fact – DIVIDING us ALL! How? Well, by homogenizing everyone (these 2 adverts are full of it) it dilutes peoples’: cultures, religions, dress, folklore, foods, languages etc, which in turn means the NWO have an easier job to bring in total control over everyone. Everyone is ‘easier’ to manage because they have been brainwashed into thinking, eating, doing etc the same. Peoples of different cultures etc are less likely to stand up for their beliefs etc if they are placed/moved across the world/diluted down. Whilst simultaneously the host countries peoples are being ‘told’ you are not allowed to be proud of your country and its cultures, traditions etc. At present, what is hidden by the NWO (including in these ads) will only become obvious after each step of their ‘total human control’ plan becomes clear. Then the mass people across the world will realise they have been lied to and duped. Peoples across the world must keep their cultures, traditions etc and be proud of it. Stand up for your freedoms, do not let Globalists take them away. Brexit is an example of peoples standing up for their own freedoms, cultures etc. We in the UK and other European countries are more than capable of helping and working with each other direct (we don’t need a globalist sub group called the EU), and appreciating our cultural differences etc. WE DO NOT NEED TO BE HOMOGENIZED and manipulated by these types of adverts. It is the NWO/Extreme Left/Extreme Right/ Committee of 300/ Council on Foreign Relations/ International Institute of International Affairs/Bildeberg Group/IPCC etc whom are the issue – imho. They are working together to make all mass humans into slaves for them and the Corporate controllers. As you mentioned about economic collapse, that is another tool to be used to bring people down, by the NWOs thus again people are easier to manipulate. QE, Repo markets and NOT-QE are devastating monetary policies being used to help the collapse whilst funding the rich to make profits in Stock type markets. Is the Coronavirus the Black Swan to bring about the collapse? I have posted comments on other YT videos explaining to people how to bring these NWO/corporate controllers, bankers and Government to their knees by simply not buying anything you do not need. You effectively cut off their income. Grow your own food-even indoors, buy food in bulk its cheaper, form co operatives, barter for goods and services..stop working all those hours for those companies that could not give a damn about you…instead spend those hours working for yourself as per list above. United we stand across the world. A little by everyone globally will do huge damage to the NWO controllers. I have never seen so much divide and conquer going on in my life as I have in the last 10 years or so via propaganda (media, news, Internet etc), legislation changes to silence what people can say, funding of grass roots groups to push the NWO agenda forward ie insulting and physically attacking people who have a different view whilst simultaneously telling people they have to accept others views. United we stand people across the globe against those trying to take away our freedoms. Ya’ couldn’t make it up!

Wayfaring Flo
@Kate Shermon hahahaha that is a great account and putting your derision of them right under their nose! Well done you for getting out…as we are about the blow up economically speaking! I am so much happier too. I look back and don’t regret at all telling the truth.

Gary Chance
​@starfield2 There are 30 years old women now that feel that way, to busy sleeping around catching stds and making themselves barren after abortions. They have to change their ways so we white people can survive, traditional values are important. They all hate what they do, they feel used after but still they do it because it is what is pushed on them. Weak minds, easily led.

Sagta 328

Gary Chance
We will defend what is ours, no law or verbal words will stop us fighting for our people, our land and ultimately our existence. A weak woke male, i am not one. The days of tolerance while our own suffer are over, my people, white English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish will always take precedence over raiders from elsewhere. That is UNITY, that is strength. Diversity has been shown to be the biggest weakness of Europe, before it we flourished, with it we fight amongst ourselves while the minority gets to make the rules. Not anymore, It is ok to be White (edited)

Randal Glyph
@Gary Chance. Don’t lump all minorities into the same basket of evil. The ideology of world conquest and hate crimes that Mohammed founded, is only one group. SubSaharans are another predatory one. Valuable model citizens like Jews have contributed to Europe for 2,000 years. Look at the Nobel Prize winners for cures for Polio, Bubonic Plague and Cholera. Hindus and Sikhs are mostly productive and law abiding, and stand against Islam, too. Northeast Asians, like Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are productive, law abiding citizens. Don’t lump these people in with Islam.

@Randal Glyph well said and accurate

Ruta Meldere
We sleep NOT! ❤️💪🇬🇧🇱🇻🇫🇷🇺🇸🌎

Randal Glyph
Stefan: “Its not working, anymore. Its Angela Merkel. But its also Macron, of course. He’s just a… STUPID man…”

kafka kitty
@Randal Glyph it’s a wonder those two aren’t out at nights, pouring boiling water all over the snow and all the glaciers..

Randal Glyph
@kafka kitty HAHAHA. Right, they could have orange and white sawhorses blocking the pathways, and hoodies pulled over their heads, and hunched over. :: pour. pour:: Macron: “Nothing to see here. Move along.” Merkel: ::shake. twitch. shake.::

Frank Filthyfinger
I don’t think he (Macron) is stupid. He knows what he’s doing. He is betraying his own. He is a traitor. And we all know what must happen to traitors. (edited)

Jonathan Schearer
The globalists are bullies by nature and that is why they are falling apart as good people stand up against them. If they cannot intimidate us then they have no power.

Trunk McEight
That’s why they are giving up on intimidation and opting straight for incarceration. It’s about to get really ugly, as the uprising against globalism has shaken off the propaganda and marketing of globalism to reveal a putrid communist clique.

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
@Trunk McEight – I’ve been quoting Sefton Delmer before and what he said there was actually aimed at Germany and the German People after World War II (successfully I might add when you look at Germany and its people), but I think it fits nicely into what we’ve been seeing from those Globalists in the last few Decades and speeded up a few notches those last years. He said; “Reeducation needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again ~ those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”

NorCal OntheRight
If indoctrinating irrational guilt doesn’t work, social smearing and or criminal punishment will be enforced..

Hellequin, Gentleman Bastard
@NorCal OntheRight – Yep, that sums it up nicely.

Trunk McEight
@NorCal OntheRight 5 years mandatory prison for calling Merkel a communist publicly, in effect this week in Germany. You are correct, but this is only the beginning. Soon come the arrests and interrogations, then come the summary beatings then executions. The wall never fell. The DDR just staged a fake collapse and subsequently occupied the west German bureaucracy until such time that their EU vehicle could dominate the continent enough to enforce their satanic ideology upon all member states… Europe, although once again in deep shit, has the populist movement now so strong, that every piece of state violence and oppression will send hundreds of thousands over to the populist movement daily. However one thing is certain: if populism fails, the retaliation from the Communists will be lethal.

If Germany and Brussels think Macron is hard to deal with – Just wait until they’re dealing with Le Pen. Because Macron certainly won’t be getting re-elected.

Whois This
I bet the Kilimanjaro eco tourists were disappointed they couldn’t take selfies on a desolate, snow-less peak and write pious eco warrior platitudes on their social media

Randal Glyph
Mt. Kilimanjaro. That place is always losing something. Sometimes its all its snow. Other times its Leopards. Next, the whole mountain will disappear, and Al Gore will retroactively claim he predicted it.

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