Like a Rolling Stone – How Jeffrey Epstein’s contacts groomed children in London

Phoenix and Aria speak out
10 December 2019

Aria describes her experiences as a child growing up in Richmond, London, where she was groomed by high-profile figures in the music and fashion industries. Years later, the same group would resurface, this time in connection with Jeffrey Epstein.

The Met Police have closed their investigation into allegations that a girl called Clare was murdered at an Outward Bound Centre.

Thank you for being back with more witnessing and accounts of your child abuse! I hope you carry on – now is the time to stop the outrage ❤️

Phoenix and Aria speak out
Thank you. We are doing everything we can to speak out.

Christine Taylor
You both did well articulating this. Very sad and very brave.

Important testimony. Thank you for sharing.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
Thank you for your support, Jez.

Uni vers
Aria and Phoenix, I’m on your side ❤ You’re doing well !

Clare Emer *
Thanku Aria for bravery in recounting ur story 🌺

Phoenix and Aria speak out
Thank you, Clare.

Light Green Leaf
Thank you for speaking out. I pray that all of this comes to light and this predator network is stopped, shutdown, exposed and these vile creatures are locked up for life. Have you thought about contacting other youtubers to help get your story out, like Shaun Attwood?

Paul Marriott
I tipped Shaun off about these two brave souls a few weeks ago. I believe Anna Brees is also aware of them.

Gill Foster
I also tagged Shaun, and Anna and Tiffany Fitzhenry, just seems to me that Aria and Phoenix need more coverage. Daily postings, daily tweets, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, you tube. Also to add strength and weight to their testimonies it would be better to have more visibility, sharing of police reports, abuser names, witnesses, friends who can verify what they are saying. I hate to say that but I think the more popular social media activities, are getting behind victims who have a larger voice, and wider coverage and evidence that they can sit and go through themselves. All we can do to help is just keep listening and sharing. I really hope this case builds some traction because it sounds as if Phoenix has most of it all figured out.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
@Paul Marriott Thank you, Paul. Yes, Anna is in contact with us and Shaun is aware of us. Keep fighting!

Phoenix and Aria speak out
@Gill Foster Thank you Gill. I agree that the more people who hear about what is done to children, the more hope there is to change the power structures that enable this abuse. I am working on a documentary which will include some of the material you mention. As for social media, that is something I do not currently have the resources to manage. It takes quite a lot of work to record these videos, and to heal from the feelings they bring up. However, it is worth it. Thank you for listening!

Gill Foster
Phoenix and Aria speak out I think it’s probably worth starting a twitter account because, all you have to do is repost the link and organically everyone can repost it for you. We are behind you now so let everyone help share your story.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
@Gill Foster Thank you. I will talk with Aria about this idea.

Karen Dobner
I’m so sorry that this happened to you. What a sad story. I know that these things happen to children, but you rarely hear someone recount such abuse. I hope that these people are made to suffer for what they’ve done.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
Thank you for your support, Karen. Sadly, it is rare to hear survivors accounts because the people in these networks hold positions of power and authority. Not only are survivors traumatized by their experiences, but they face the added affront of seeing their abusers worshipped in newspapers and magazines by many members of a naieve and depressed society. (edited)

Karen Dobner
@Phoenix and Aria speak out You are 100% correct. It is my hope that through the internet and social media, we’re able to educate the public about this problem and help more victims, the biggest obstacle being that most people don’t want to hear the truth because it’s so dark and negative. They want to stick their heads in the sand and only make their ‘safe’ little world reality for them. I get it. But, things are changing. I’m determined to do what I can to help you and other victims educate the public and bring about change. We need to uncover as many perpetrators as possible and give the victims services. There are so many issues. For one, outlawing non-disclosusre agreements between victims and perps. Great idea. However, fewer lawyers will take cases because trials are very expensive. The risk level to their firm increases. It’s time for the public to take responsibility for protecting our children and young adults from sex crimes. Americans need to realize that the danger is real and one of their loved ones could possibly be victimized. We need to make them feel the danger to being about real change. I hope that you’re getting the help you need to have the life you deserve. It’s beyond my scope to understand what you’ve been through. But, you’re safe now and you’re not only a survivor, but you’re a part of the solution. You have empowered yourself though your work and now you’re no longer a victim. You’re a survivor!

Ahmed N
These stories are so harrowing and outlandish that it’s almost like my mind can’t register them as a possible reality. Every time I come across Phoenix stories I’m left dumbfounded.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
This is one of the reasons that the abusers get away with it: They do things that most people would never imagine were possible. But, sadly, human history includes many examples of this kind of abuse. Take a look at the horrible things the British Elite have done just in the last few hundred years. What happened to Aria and I is typical of their methods: Thank you for listening.

Reason *
I completely believe the stories 100% We must appreciate these stories as they unfold, these survivors are literally putting their own lives at risk as a way to warn others. You can hear it in their voices and to the extent of the details that they are being completely honest.

Ahmed N
@Reason * I’m not questioning the validity of the stories at all. It’s just that the level of organized crime within the establishment is so elaborate and mythically evil that listening to the details is a completely surreal experience. It’s a hard pill to swallow when you know that this happens in the world we live in.

Ahmed N
Phoenix and Aria speak out All the best to you and Aria. After being exposed to your stories I went through the rabbit hole of reading about the history and influence of the sabbateans and frankist and their connection to the world’s elites. The phrase “all monsters are humans” have never been more potent in describing such a group of people. I think more discussion needs to be brought forward about these groups to put such stories in their historical and doctrinal context. Perhaps more people will pay attention once they understand the whole mythology underlying such insidious activities.

Dora Copeland
Mick Jagger was not present because he was busy counting up his profit from yet another dirty business of his.

Gill Foster
Do you have a twitter account ? Please start connecting with other survivors and independent activists, who can help get your story out. I know this is difficult but is it possible to see your faces, and see your interviews? Makes it much more personal for the viewers. I’m doing my best to share your story.

Phoenix and Aria speak out
Hi Gill, thank you for your support. We don’t have a Twitter account. We don’t really have the resources to manage one, simple though it may seem. It takes a lot of work and energy to get to a point where Aria and I can record these testimonies, and process all the feelings connected with them. We are also working on a documentary. Hopefully we find support from others who are already skilled in the Twitter arena.

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