Anna Soubry on LBC did not go well for LBC – Over 1000 dislikes
Daddy Dragon
29 December 2019

Anna Soubry on LBC: Watch it here from 10am
29 December 2019, 07:16 | Updated: 29 December 2019, 08:21

1200 Dislikes & rising.

Remoan Supporters Are Poorly Evolved Retards
Does anyone with any intelligence want to listen to a failed, remoaner turd attack dog? Only the thicko remoaner turds – they never know when to give up a lost cause like Soubry and any other remoaner turds!

John Begent
This woman sent someone to jail for calling her a traitor

Marek Pawlowski
Did I miss anything of note (I was out)..??..was she sober..or just hung over..??

Remain Rebelion
I have a thing for blokes in drag, ‘she’s  a cutie for sure!

Yet another example of a loser being given access to the radio

Andy Bath
Really, why do LBC keep bringing on these nobodies? Catch up LBC the remain side lost comprehensively – the swamp has been drained, interviewing the rubbish won’t bring them back.  Brexit is coming Rule Britannia

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