”Climate War” in Australia as rival political factions vie for control



For those ”in the dark” about who Nayuka Gorrie is – ”she” is a ”blak & bright” writer/actress from NE of Sydney I believe. Here is an example of her ”work.” Btw – Gorrie is a huge Harry Potter fan.

GW: Nayuka is probably being promoted by the usual Marxists & because ”she” has aboriginal heritage, ”she” has probably been given quite a lot of ”help” to launch a career in the media.  Was Gorrie used by tptwtb recently to inform the flock of (((their))) intention to use fire to get what (((they))) want in Australia?  Part of (((their))) religion is the requirement to  inform us of (((their))) intentions & if we then agree by inaction or not speaking out, then (((they))) don’t inherit any bad karma from (((their))) devious actions.  Another ptwtb puppet – Taylor Swift was also used recently to deliver (((their))) missive about a possible future ”financial crisis” centred around the SWIFT payment system..

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