S4S: NANCY PELOSI On Impeachment – What did she say? / Tragedy in Bagdad

Sanity 4 Sweden
21 December 2019

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Philippine MMA
Usually americans love their Country, Nancy don’t she only loves power (edited)

and, apparently, several strong drinks.

Randal Glyph
@x0thorn0x with all the stress AOC is causing poor Pelosi, your supposition of strong drinks might actually be correct. Or sedatives.

Dennis Vance
@Philippine MMA and her gavel; Nancy likes banging her little gavel.

Susanne Sheffer

Pup Pup Man
her whole family is likely in China’s pocket look at Newsom

Tranquility 32
… and sadly, in my opinion, the public school system has been indoctrinating kids with a hatred for our country. Not all kids fall prey, thank God! But many. I see it with the children among my family. It’s quite shocking actually. So then we have these young masses following people like pelosi and the socialist agenda. Scary. … Anyway, wishing everyone peaceful holidays! (edited)

David Novak
@Tranquility 32 exactly.. recent polls show that the majority of US citizens (!!!) are no longer proud of their country.. decades-long indoctrination is finally bearing those bitter fruits.

tjy tjy
@x0thorn0x I found that Filipinos love their country too :p

Gary Thornbury
@Dennis Vance she also bangs mueller

The democrats don’t even have a good candidate for next year’s election!!!?

Farmer 66
I’m in America if you can understand her you’re better than me. She is nuts with all the stuttering and stammering. I think she and the Democrats and the left have serious mental issues.

Randal Glyph
@Farmer 66. All these Democrat witches have issues. Pelosi stutters and stammers, Hillary falls down and loses her shoes. It’s like they were all dropped on their heads as infants, then replaced with their pink bonnets in the cradle. “Yep, this one is now future politician material.”

Jane c
I strongly believe they are all mind controlled – every now and then, the programming breaks down and they have glitches. Please look up MK Ultra glitches on YT, you will see plenty of people having them inc. Hillary.

@Farmer 66. Similar to the Left in UK.….check out the retard called Diane Abbott the number 2 person in the Labour party……always good for a laugh😂🤣 Frightening thing is though, these people are serious and actually believe what they say😯

Randal Glyph
@MARK JONES Corbyn is the number one most wanted member of Labour. Diane Abbott is just a Number Two.

Tranquility 32
Oaktreeman Hi… I tried that (truly) and it didn’t last. The hatred and venom she – and others – have for our President exceeds their ability to make sound, logical, appropriate decisions for the betterment of our country and its citizens. … I’ve come to the conclusion that they are demonic. Insidious and diabolical. No sympathy from me. Too much is at stake. .. in my opinion. Wishing everyone peaceful holidays.

suzy klitgaard
She is mental to the BONE.

gypsy girl
Last year American taxpayers paid a $185,000 booze bill for her and her minions as they traveled in luxury around the world, documented by Judicial Watch

The democrats don’t even have a good candidate for next years election!!!

Andrew K. NI
Nancy and co have been embarrassed after discovering that Trump is not actually impeached until proceedings pass to the Senate. So while they withhold the case, Trump has not in law been impeached. They apparently had to withdraw publicity saying “Merry Impeachmas” ho ho ho!

Pal Freman
@Andrew K. NI The lefty nut bars think trump is gone. Lol. They don’t understand that it has to go to the senate.

Andrew K. NI
@Pal Freman So true lol 🙂

Donna Swiniuch
Thanks, did anyone see how Twitter blew up with all the uneducated idiots who were screaming “orange man gone”, “Trump is no longer president…who is?” A sad day for US education, early in primary school we were taught about impeachment and removal from office...in High School the details were clearly laid out. Who are these morons? Why are there so MANY of them? (edited)

gypsy girl
@Donna Swiniuch Honestly I think most of them are just trolls, but many really were celebrating thinking they finally had their victory. I wish them many more disappointments to come

Donna Swiniuch
@gypsy girl Agreed, nothing worse than rewarded stupidity.

Andrew K. NI
@Donna Swiniuch Wishful thinking perhaps. Critics and media will be so disappointed if DJT wins the 2020 election. The swamp is being drained! 🙂

Trump said that he ” wants the largest number of legal immigration ever”! And where is the wall? Legal or illegal, mass immigration will take our nations in the same place: globalisation. Trump is for the libertarian type of globalisation (Koch brothers) while the left is for the Soros type. Only one dollar from each and every Trump supporter would have made the money , and more, for the wall.

maybe that is an old news from 2014. https://www.nytimes.com/2014/02/11/world/middleeast/suicide-bomb-instructor-accidentally-kills-iraqi-pupils.html

w oke
Nancy is the speaker of the house That no-one has ever understood. This comment has been fact checked by snopes

John McSween
She’s a moon bat lol. On a good day she almost makes sense, on a bad day she sounds like she’s drank a bottle of whisky and taken a handfull of illicit pills. Not a good person.

Northern Climate
Nancy is not all there. Her booze bill was incredible when she had access to a government plane. You have to see her laugh. It’s just strange, even creepy. She is third in line to the Presidency. She can’t form a sentence and can’t make sense of anything. She belongs in a institution.

Sredni Vashtar
She should team-up with Juncker. They’d make a great comedy duo.

Trunk McEight
@Sredni Vashtar Hilarious!! Juncker waddles out onto the stage, 3 sheets to the wind, and walks up to the podium… However Junckers mistakes the podium for a men’s urinal, and proceeds to whip it out and pisses all over the floor on live TV. He giggles into the camera while giving it a shake at which point Nancy staggers out pointing to people who aren’t there. She then proceeds to start mumbling incoherently about peaches, with the thousand yard stare. Invariably, she slips on a puddle of Junckers urine and crashes to the floor repeating the word ‘peach’ until her minders rush out and scoop her up and cart her off to the lunatic asylum…

Tranquility 32
I agree… and hillary laughs like a witch. Seriously. I’m not even trying to pick on her. It’s truly demonic.

Sredni Vashtar
@Trunk McEight Love it! And then Roger Irrelevant appears on stage and everyone applauds wildly because they can understand what he is saying, compared to Nancy. Snivet, snivet, wibble!

Ross Smith
Air Force jet she abused had a 100.000 liquor bill for one year.
2 hours ago1

Northern Climate
@Ross Smith Imagine Nancy’s fully stocked Liquor Cabinet, courtesy of the American Taxpayers. She should have to pay back every penny she stole from the American People. The $100,000.00 is a drop in the bucket compared to what she has scammed over the years.

firstfire508 – Brighteon
Yes, You are right we are truly embarrassed that the US has become so corrupt. We are trying to drain the swamp, but it is deep.

les harris
Don’t worry, we all have ridiculous politicians. I just thought she was being diverse and speaking Mexican or something. Pelosi is in a check mate corner. US politics is being watched around the world as the best entertainment. It’s also bringing out all the stupid politicians and their games. People are seeing it for what it really is, a worldwide issue. These people work together with the same methods in corruption. Pay for play politicians or puppets. (edited)

arseman arse
Pelosi: “First we have to impeach Donald Trump before we can find out why we impeached him.”

@arseman arse – same woman who said “we have to pass the bill and then we can tell you what’s in it”

arseman arse
​@KAISER OUTDOORS I would just like to emphasize the korrekt sequence of events through which social justice is achieved. 1. Executed 2. Found guilty 3. Given a fair trial. Too often this sequence is being reversed, which is the opposite of social justice. Without hesitation, we must denounce such occurrences as fascist, racist, and sexist.

ralph salotto
@arseman arse: She’s so senile it’s more like; “First we have to impeach Donald Trump before we can find out what in him.”

tony bonney
They would do better looking at the criminals in the Democrats than hounding Trump.

Frances Tillman
You must understand the language of “batshiff crazy” to get what she is trying to say. Congress needs an intervention.

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