19 12 2019: Robin Tilbrook talks Law with Daddy Dragon – The Full English Show

Daddy Dragon
19 December 2019

The Muff
Hate speech legislation is not about protecting minorities but prosecuting anybody who speaks truth to power with the harassment clause. it’s a trojan horse and should be put back outside the gates. (edited)

Happy 2Bme
This was not justice, it was a kangaroo court! Shame on those responsible.

Square Peg Round Hole
So, in summary, The British State IS The Enemy Within!!

Amy imprisoned on false charges by a judge who perverted the course of justice. yet again in England – how long….

barbara Jupp
Sourpuss who has called us nazis & is an outright lier, she’s the one that should be in prison because she is a traitor, I hope karma gives her a taste of her own medicine one day soon.

ian ball
Soubery conspired with the judge to prevert the course of justice. As they knew each other on a presonal level. A friend of soubery’s husband. That has brought the legal system into disrispute. Amy should be released with immediate effect. Sourbry perjured the case. And lied. Corruption with in the legal system is not exceptable.

ian ball
A track record of corruption by this judge.

Michael Tappin
The judge is also a traitor – to the Law and the people who elect MPs….the judge is the self-important, highly-paid imbecile??

Michael Tappin
Lady “Pale”….a shadow of what she should be….she is only a protected, privileged, superstitious, self-serving old hag. Supreme Court??? A very mediocre bunch of wine-swilling oafs……

patrick mcguinness
Corruption beats everything below it, it is not right we minions need to stand up and repel it (edited)

Square Peg Round Hole
I donated to The Amy fighting Fund yesterday, & I am now pleased to say I will be joining The English Democrats. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

One of the jobs after Brexit will have to be to remove all the EU paid judges and EU paid MPs. In the case of the judges there should be prosecution of them in all cases where the Constitution was violated (such as this one with Amy). After the successful defeat of the foreign occupation of England there should be some action taken against the traitors that violated Common Law and the Constitution, starting with the EU paid judges

SpAcE HopPeR Mark Crewe
Is Boris going to be doing anything about the globalist, Euro biased legal system that has imprisoned Amy?

Jeff Preston
Boris is one of the globalists, and if he isn’t under Trump’s control, we will be totally fu*ked.

Steve Nicholls
Amy should be released now, it is totally shocking she is in prison just for shouting out sour puss is a traitor, what is going on in our great country of ours.

Very interesting to see and hear Robin talk. Good to know he’s helping Amy too. I wrote to my MP a number of times before Amy went to court. I told her what had happened, I asked her to please look into it, to please try and stop it. She was polite but said she’s not allowed to interfere with another MPs court cases. That was after I had emailed her a few times. Even pleaded. I’m sure she was friendly with Soubry and had no intention of helping. She is a Tory. She’s kept her seat, but I’m really happy to see Soubry lost hers. Looking online, there is much hate and dislike for Soubry. I don’t think some of her peers like her either. One tweeted a while back about Soubry being inebriated. Other people also spoke of her hypocrisy in name calling others, especially Brexiteers, she called us racist and facist. Soubry has now partly paid the price for her lies, but she is accountable still, and for what she’s done to Amy. I could not believe what Soubry said in one short video I watched. How fearful she was of Amy and she did not want to go home that weekend.🙄 Plus she was now too scared to take public transport. The irony of it all, goes right over her head. She DID betray Brexiteers, including many in her own constituency. How can someone be so “dishonourable” and lie to get elected, then change your tune! Then, expect people to be happy and pat you on the back?? How dare anyone complain! It’s quite obvious Amy was imprisoned for Christmas. This is all to make it clear, serfs like us, must not dare question “them” the have it alls. I was watching the MPs being sworn in, and I just thought, for those who swore on the Bible, I hope they realise that God does take oaths, public or private, seriously. I don’t believe in taking an oath to Queen and country – but that’s a whole other story. This is THE problem, God has been rejected in all parts of society. MPs and others will put their hand on the Bible and it does not mean anything. I’m not saying all MPs. I also emailed one of the peers in the House Of Lords. At first he responded. I liked many of his beliefs, he seems to have integrity, belief in God, and I was hoping he would help Amy. However he has not responded again or about Amy, which is a huge disappointment to me. I found myself feeling very angry, bitter, upset, with it all. Brexit, Amy, the MP and Lord not helping Amy. But I know that what people sow, they reap. I’ve prayed for God to help me forgive these people. Judgement will ultimately come from the Lord. And HE says, “vengeance is MINE saith the Lord”. I pray for Amy, I pray for all of you and I pray for England. (edited)

G Frank Thomas
Judge broke the law , arrest her , in jail

David Edwards
Have emailed our MP to complain about the judiciary and asked to free Amy today, every one needs to do the same or this will only get worse. Good luck Robin and Graham.

Lord Denning would have removed that judge from the bench after that case. He was for the people not against!

Max Wolfe
who is running our Socialist Sanctuary Cities & Councils?

Ann Layzell
@Max Wolfe Muslims probably. Or at least Sycophants to. Islam…

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